

STEP丨The first batch of smart factories in Shanghai and factories with an annual output of 10,000 robots are put into operation

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  • Time of issue:2020-12-23 17:05

STEP丨The first batch of smart factories in Shanghai and factories with an annual output of 10,000 robots are put into operation

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  • Time of issue:2020-12-23 17:05

1. Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Promotion Work Conference

On December 22, the 2020 Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Promotion Work Conference was held in Jiading District. The theme of the conference was intelligent manufacturing leading high-quality development. Mao Junfa, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Huang Ou, president of Shanghai Electric Group, Xu Honghai, president of Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Association, and other guests attended the meeting.



Deputy Director Zhang Jianming pointed out in his speech that Shanghai insists on the development of intelligent manufacturing as an important support for improving the city's energy level and core competitiveness, and accelerates the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry to digital, networked, and intelligent. According to the work deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Municipal Economic and Information Commission actively promoted the in-depth development of intelligent manufacturing and achieved phased results.

In the next step, we must adhere to innovation-driven, improve the core capabilities of intelligent manufacturing, strengthen emerging technology empowerment and short-term technical breakthroughs; we must adhere to application leadership, deepen the promotion of intelligent manufacturing, and promote the intelligent upgrading of key industries such as automobiles, electronic information, and high-end equipment. ; It is necessary to cultivate new momentum for development, vigorously support the development of system integrators, and carry out promotion activities for smart manufacturing system vendors and industrial Internet platforms; it is necessary to gather resources from all parties, focus on the construction of smart manufacturing ecology, and strengthen industrial parks, talents, and finance.

2. The annual production of STEP smart factory is 10,000 robots



At the meeting, Zhang Jianming (left), deputy director of the Shanghai Economic and Information Commission, Shen Huadi (right), deputy head of Jiading District, and Ji Yi (middle), chairman of STEP, jointly launched the STEP smart factory with an annual output of 10,000 units. The project will build a first-class robot research and development center in China, with an annual production capacity of 10,000 industrial robots.



3. The first batch of 20 smart factories in Shanghai

The awarding ceremony for the first batch of 20 smart factories in Shanghai was held at the meeting. The smart factory will play a leading role in the industry's smart manufacturing transformation and drive the high-quality development of Shanghai's manufacturing industry. In the future, on the basis of the first batch of 20 smart manufacturing demonstration factories, Shanghai will launch more than 2 training bases, more than 2 industrial tourist attractions, and more than 2 exhibition centers.

The first batch of smart factories in Shanghai

Shanghai STEP Robot Co., Ltd.

Robot Smart Factory

High-end equipment



The first batch of 20 smart factories in Shanghai



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