

Skills competition STEP engineer won the gold medal

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  • Time of issue:2019-11-19 00:00

Skills competition STEP engineer won the gold medal

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  • Time of issue:2019-11-19 00:00

Recently, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Jiading District held the "2019 China Skills Competition · The 14th Vocational Skills Competition in Jiading District, Shanghai · Industrial Robot Skills Competition",

Recently, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Jiading District held the "2019 China Skills Competition·The 14th Vocational Skills Competition in Jiading District of Shanghai·Industrial Robot Skills Competition", STEP Robotics, TRW Automobile, Wipag, Dinghu Automation , Companies such as Yike Robot signed up for the competition. The competition brought together outstanding talents from various industrial robot companies in Jiading District. It can be said that it is a gathering of masters. In the team competition of the "Industrial Robot Technology Application" skills competition, Yuan Gong and Deng Gong from STEP Robot Company, relying on their solid business knowledge and professional technical strength, took the lead and won the team gold medal in the team competition.



The skill competition is divided into three parts: "visual communication debugging", "professional ability and safe operation specification judgment", and "robot program debugging". The participating teams sent by each company performed well in the first two sessions, and the competition in the final session of "Robot Program Debugging" will directly determine the outcome of the competition.



In the "robot program debugging" link, it is necessary to use a robot platform that has been built to replace the two rows of chess pieces in disordered order to simulate the application of robots in industrial production and complete robot palletizing, visual sorting and recognition, A basic process of product handling. This section focuses on testing the contestants' ability to operate the robot and the logical ability of program compilation. This is the link that can best reflect professional skills. When everyone's ratings are similar, ordinary handling methods cannot stand out. If you want to get a high score evaluation, you must have a different trick.



Time was running out, and Yuan Gong and Deng Gong's team was anxious to see that they could not close the gap with their competitors. When discussing the use of program solutions, they thought that in the production process of industrial robots, the emphasis is on precision and efficiency. Only by performing better than other participating teams can there be hope of winning.



They realized that it is difficult to open up the gap with traditional programming ideas, so they found a new way, and thought of a new programming method that they tried in their usual training, using "position offset" function statements for programming instead of pure "point-to-point" instructions programming. "Position offset" in the point-to-point movement makes the robot more accurate in the positioning of the chess piece and faster when it is put back. It was this decision that made them the only group that perfectly completed the assessment of this link, while other groups that used "point-to-point" instructional programming failed to complete their goals. In the end, Yuan Gong and Deng Gong's team got full marks and won the gold medal in the team competition.


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