

Caring for the next generation and spreading love forever丨The 13th STEP High School Student Scholarship Award Ceremony Held

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  • Time of issue:2019-05-23 00:00

Caring for the next generation and spreading love forever丨The 13th STEP High School Student Scholarship Award Ceremony Held

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  • Time of issue:2019-05-23 00:00

On the afternoon of May 16, the work promotion meeting of the Nanxiang Town Enterprise Customs Work Committee and the STEP High School Student Scholarship Award Ceremony was held in the Zhidi Park of Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai. The "STEP Scholarship for High School Students" was established in 2007. Over the past thirteen years, it has been continuously helping high school students in Nanxiang Town to pursue their dreams and deliver positive energy to the development of education. At the awards ceremony, Lu Weiliang, chairman of the trade union of Jiading District Education Bureau, announced the winners of STEP high school student scholarships and teacher awards. Xu Jiansheng, vice president of STEP, awarded bonuses and certificates to the award-winning teachers and students, and then Mr. Xu exchanged and shared Gained some experience of STEP caring for the next generation.



Awarded STEP High School Scholarship

STEP settled in Nanxiang in 1999. Over the past 20 years, with the care and support of people from all walks of life in Nanxiang, STEP has grown from just a few dozen people when it first settled down to more than 3,000 people today, and from its original revenue of only 10 million yuan to today's Nearly 3.5 billion yuan, the company has achieved rapid development by leaps and bounds. As an enterprise rooted in Nanxiang and bred and grown by Nanxiang, it is precisely because of this gratitude to the upbringing of the homeland that STEP never forgets to repay the society while developing itself, and actively participates in various public welfare and charity undertakings. The STEP high school scholarship was awarded in 2007 Established in 2015, Nanxiang Town High School rewards 20 outstanding students in moral, intellectual and physical aspects every year. In 2015, a new head teacher award was added, and 10 outstanding head teachers were rewarded every year. The purpose is to encourage young teachers to bloom their talents. better train the next generation. In 2016, STEP held the 10th award-winning teacher and student back-to-school day event. More than 160 people from relevant leaders of Jiading District and Nanxiang Town and previous award-winning teachers and students participated in the event. Today, this award has been carried out for the thirteenth time. More than 300 teachers and students of Jiading No. 2 Middle School and Nanxiang Middle School have benefited. STEP’s love and dedication have delivered positive energy to the development of youth education. I also hope that the award-winning teachers and students will This love continues to be passed on from generation to generation.


Awarded STEP Teacher Award 

Education is the foundation of national development, and schools are the cradle for cultivating talents. STEP tries to closely combine school education with the needs of enterprises for talents, and supports education in different colleges and universities across the country. For example, STEP scholarships have been established in Chentao Township Primary School, Binhai County, Jiangsu Province, and STEP scholarships have been established in universities such as Harbin Institute of Technology, Shandong University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Shanghai Jiaotong University. At the same time, STEP is the work practice base for caring for the next generation in Nanxiang Town and the youth employment practice base in Jiading District. Every year, students from universities, middle schools and primary schools from home and abroad, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan come to the company for internship and practice. In terms of robot programming, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, etc., STEP opens up production and scientific research bases for students, provides vivid practical cases, and helps students broaden their horizons, expand their thinking, and improve their technological literacy.

This year, the high school of Nanxiang Middle School was merged into the newly established Nanxiang Senior High School Affiliated to Shanghai University, and Jiading No. 2 Middle School was officially named as an ordinary high school with Shanghai characteristics. These are gratifying changes. Xu Jiansheng, vice president of STEP, said that he hoped that Jiaer Middle School and Shangda Nangao, standing at a new starting point, would seize new opportunities, open up a new future, and create a more comprehensive development stage for students! I also wish the high school students who are about to graduate to get good grades in the upcoming college entrance examination and enter the ideal university for further study.


Xu Jiansheng, vice president of STEP, made an exchange speech

Our society is undergoing tremendous changes. 2019 is the first year of industrial intelligence, and the intelligentization process of the future industry will continue to deepen. In his speech, Mr. Xu said that after 24 years, STEP needs to change and reshape. For this reason, STEP put forward a new mission and vision in 2019. The corporate mission is to "let humans share the convenience and happiness of an intelligent society", and the corporate vision is to "build a perfect world of human-computer interaction". Mission and vision are a powerful source of motivation to guide STEP practice and change. We look forward to working hand in hand with caring people who care about STEP to create a better tomorrow with responsibility, diligence and wisdom.

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