

STEP smart elevator cloud project won the first prize of "Invention and Entrepreneurship Award Innovation Award"

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  • Time of issue:2021-12-17 00:00

STEP smart elevator cloud project won the first prize of "Invention and Entrepreneurship Award Innovation Award"

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  • Time of issue:2021-12-17 00:00

The 3-day 25th National Invention Exhibition - One Belt One Road and BRICS Skills Development and Technological Innovation Competition came to an end in Foshan, Guangdong on the afternoon of December 12. Cao Jianlin, deputy director of the Education, Science, Health and Sports Committee of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Mao Yongtian, vice chairman of the Foshan CPPCC, Yu Huarong, secretary of the party committee, executive vice chairman and secretary general of the China Invention Association, and other leaders attended the closing ceremony and presented awards to the award-winning representatives. The invention achievement of "Smart Elevator Cloud System R&D and Industrial Application Based on Industrial Internet Architecture" completed by Shanghai STEP Electric Co., Ltd. won the first prize of "Invention and Entrepreneurship Innovation Award". Wang Peng was invited to attend the award ceremony as the award-winning representative.


When Wang Peng received the heavy award certificate, his whole heart was hot. "From the research and development in 2012 to the industrialization in 2018, the project has devoted six years of hard work to the team. It has gone through a process of constantly surpassing itself, and finally established It has given my country's smart elevator control and elevator cloud the right to speak in the world."


Relying on STEP's strong talents and nearly 20 years of profound elevator control technology accumulation, the project uses advanced blockchain cloud platform technology to provide customers with three major functions: accessories certification, elevator operation characteristic diagnosis, and elevator monitoring wall. Blockchain technology guarantees key data sharing and non-tampering in the whole life cycle of the elevator, thereby ensuring the security of elevator data. Five innovative and original technical solutions have been put forward. The overall technology is at the international advanced level, and some technologies are at the international leading level.

List of innovations

No.1 invented the intelligent elevator communication protocol based on the industrial Internet architecture, developed a safety protection device that considers not leaking the elevator manufacturer's elevator communication protocol, and realized reliable authentication of accessories.
No.2 developed an elevator cloud service platform based on cloud computing, realized the distributed collection and cloud management of elevator operation and environmental data, and created an enterprise monitoring wall that presents information such as elevator operation status and maintenance.
No.3 Developed an elevator vibration online detection and diagnosis system and elevator intermittent vibration detection technology, and formed a product EOCD that can effectively diagnose elevator operating characteristics.
No.4 has developed an elevator smart perception and operation and maintenance service cloud platform based on blockchain technology, and proposed a service-oriented cross-domain heterogeneous data integration and sharing technology.
No.5 developed an elevator cloud system. The operating data storage and management receiving database of different types of elevators under multiple working conditions is designed, and the real-time data is screened and analyzed synchronously through blockchain technology.

The project has been awarded 20 invention patents, 12 software copyrights, published 37 academic papers, and published 1 international monograph. At present, the research results have been successfully applied in many elevator companies, which has played a strong role in ensuring the safety of elevator data, guaranteeing maintenance benefits, ensuring reliable sources of accessories, and ensuring the interests of accessories, etc., with remarkable social benefits.

Regarding the research process and value of the project, we still invite Wang Peng to give you an introduction!

Q What were the considerations based on the establishment of the project? Were there any difficulties in the research process?
The establishment of the project comprehensively considered the background of the rapid development of my country's Internet and big data and the actual needs of the elevator industry, and maximized the advantages of enterprise technology, elevator control products, and elevator maintenance cloud service platforms, and actively promoted elevator companies to implement "Elevator Cloud +Maintenance" to improve the intelligent level and maintenance level of elevators. In addition, the demand for new urbanization construction such as smart elevators and networked maintenance is gradually increasing, providing intelligent and networked technical services for elevators, serving elevator manufacturing, existing elevator renovation, elevator maintenance and close connection with smart buildings, It is an urgent need for future market development.
The research did encounter some difficulties. For example, there were challenges in the reliable operation test of the key technologies involved in this project at the product level, but after the accumulation of field data and the research and development of the R&D team, we quickly solved these problems.

Q The project completion unit includes Zhejiang University. In your opinion, what role does this combination of industry, study and research play in achieving the project results?
STEP has established a long-term cooperative relationship with Zhejiang University in terms of personnel training, scientific and technological research and development, etc. The school and enterprise are closely integrated to accurately connect scientific research with market demand and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, so that they can finally enter the market.

Q What is the composition of our entire team?
The team has jointly trained 13 doctoral students and 36 master students. These high-level technical personnel will play an important role in the rapid development of STEP elevators, industrial robots, and intelligent manufacturing.

Q How is the elevator cloud product launched by STEP based on this research result in the market?
The elevator cloud platform and terminal products involved in this achievement have been officially released in April 2021, and have served nearly 30,000 elevators for more than 100 customers so far; the intelligent elevator communication protocol technology based on the industrial Internet architecture, area Blockchain technology, elevator control loop vibration online detection and diagnosis technology, etc. have been used on nearly 2,000 elevators by more than 60 customers, and have received good market application feedback.

Q What value does the project have for the development of my country's elevator industry?
First of all, it is helpful to the timely maintenance of elevators, improves the quality of maintenance, and effectively prevents elevator maintenance from becoming a mere formality. With the support of elevator cloud-related technologies, elevator maintenance personnel can quickly and accurately troubleshoot elevator faults and perform precise maintenance, which is also conducive to improving the technical level of maintenance personnel and promoting the healthy development of elevator maintenance.
Secondly, it can improve users' satisfaction with elevator quality and maintenance quality, and finally form a brand effect.
Thirdly, the intelligent supervision of service elevators is helpful to the intelligent supervision of elevators by the supervision department, and plays a positive role in the protection of people's livelihood.

About the "China Invention, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Award"
China Invention, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Award was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2005, and was established by the National First-level Society - China Invention Association. The support of government agencies, ministries and commissions and relevant organizations aims to mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses for invention and entrepreneurship, enhance the creative vitality of the whole society, promote the transformation and implementation of invention achievements, lay a solid social foundation for vigorously promoting independent scientific and technological innovation, and contribute to the construction of an innovative country. contribute.

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