

Shandong University Holds "Gidefa Scholarship" Award Ceremony

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  • Time of issue:2021-10-25 00:00

Shandong University Holds "Gidefa Scholarship" Award Ceremony

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  • Time of issue:2021-10-25 00:00

▲Gidefa alumni (sixth from left) took a group photo with some awardees

On October 14th, Jinan, Quancheng City, Qianfoshan Campus of Shandong University, Defa Hall, the awarding ceremony of Shandong University Ji Defa Scholarship was grandly held. Gidefa, the founder of STEP and the chairman of the STEP Institute, issued award certificates to 28 doctoral, master and undergraduate winners.


▲Shandong University School of Control Party Committee Secretary Gao Rui (first from left) and Executive Vice President Chang Faliang (fourth from left) welcome alumni Ji Defa (third from left) to visit the School of Control

The award ceremony was presided over by Professor Chang Faliang, Executive Vice President of the School of Control, Shandong University. He welcomed alumni Gidefa to return to his alma mater during the 120th anniversary of Shandong University. , and named the conference room the German-French Hall. Gao Rui, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Control, Shandong University, introduced the development of Shandong University and the School of Control in recent years, and introduced the situation of the winners of the Gidefa Scholarship.



In his speech, Gidefa, the founder of STEP and the chairman of the STEP school, said that he was very happy to return to the School of Control where he studied in the past, and was delighted to see the vigorous development of his alma mater. On-the-job postgraduate classes, providing employment opportunities and other forms to improve the university's talent training level and the company's research and development capabilities, and practice the national strategy of integrating production and education.

During his stay at Shandong University, Ji Defa, the founder of STEP and the chairman of STEP Institute, was also invited to attend the 120th anniversary celebration of Shandong University.


▲Professor Wang Qilong, Executive Vice President of Shandong University met with alumni Gidefa


▲Alumnus Ji Defa was interviewed by Shandong TV Station at the 120th Anniversary Conference of Shandong University


▲Jidefa alumni attended the donation ceremony for the 120th anniversary of Shandong University



Ji Defa, 1986 graduate student of School of Control, Shandong University, EMBA of Peking University, senior engineer, founder of Shanghai STEP Electric Co., Ltd., chairman of STEP Institute, honorary chairman of Shandong University Shanghai Alumni Association. Founded in 1995, the company went public in 2010. Today, STEP is the invisible champion of the global elevator control system, the leader of China's intelligent manufacturing, and the number one Chinese robot brand in terms of installed capacity. Mr. Gidefa has won the titles of "Shanghai Science and Technology Leader", "Excellent Builder of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics", "100 Outstanding Figures of China's Economy", "China's Outstanding Private Technology Entrepreneurs" and so on.

Shanda University is a place that Gidefa alumni will never forget and feel grateful for. Gidefa often said that it was the education during the university that opened his eyes. After leaving his alma mater for many years, Gidefa alumni still do not forget their own experience of studying at Shanda University—in the STEP expert building, there is a clear spring surging, which is the Baotu Spring that Gidefa alumni miss; in 2012, STEP almost took over the students who graduated from the School of Control Master and doctoral students, in 2013, he cooperated with the School of Control to set up a STEP on-the-job postgraduate class. Now, in the STEP staff team, more than 50 Shanda alumni have seen him, and the alumni are very kind to call him brother.

Think of the source of drinking water, and love the alma mater. Gidefa alumni have donated to Shanda many times to selflessly support the development of his alma mater. In 2019, Gidefa donated another 10 million yuan to Shandong University for the 120th anniversary celebration of Shandong University, and established the "Shandong University Gidefa Scholarship" in the School of Control. President Fan Liming of Shandong University commented that alumnus Gidefa is not only an entrepreneur full of humanistic sentiments and innovative spirit, but also an outstanding representative of 600,000 Shandong University people. The feelings of "family, country and world".

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