

National Development and Reform Commission likes STEP: reduce the cost of real economy enterprises

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  • Time of issue:2021-10-19 00:00

National Development and Reform Commission likes STEP: reduce the cost of real economy enterprises

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  • Time of issue:2021-10-19 00:00

■This article is excerpted from the official account of the National Development and Reform Commission

The smart factory is the entry point and breakthrough to promote smart manufacturing, and an important carrier of the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry. Up to now, Shanghai has identified and awarded the first batch of 20 smart factories, mainly focusing on seven industries including automobiles, electronic information, high-end equipment, aerospace, biomedicine, green chemicals and new materials, fast-moving consumer goods, and energy conservation and environmental protection. field.


For example, the Shanghai STEP robot super factory takes projects as the carrier, uses industrial robots in batches for manufacturing, and uses management software such as MES and WMS to create an intelligent manufacturing system to achieve the purpose of improving product quality and reducing manufacturing costs. The completion of the STEP robot super factory has reduced the number of workers by 80% through the use of robots in batches, and the one-time pass rate of product testing has increased by 15%; through efficient and flexible automation technology, the design production capacity of 10,000 units/year has been realized. Compared with the previous With manual operation, the output efficiency per unit area has increased by more than 30%; through the use of the warehouse management system, the overall inventory level has dropped by 10% on the basis of the original lean inventory. All KPIs at the value stream execution level have been comprehensively improved. The STEP robot super factory has created a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing in complex discrete manufacturing industries. It is STEP's first attempt in the field of intelligent manufacturing and a milestone for Chinese robotics companies to practice and explore intelligent manufacturing.


Manufacturing companies have achieved good results through digital transformation. The business is horizontally interconnected, vertically integrated, and data information is interoperable up and down, which promotes the comprehensive intelligent manufacturing upgrade of enterprises and leads the development of the industry.

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