

Shanghai's first robot super factory is put into production, realizing "robot" manufacturing "robot"

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  • Time of issue:2021-03-24 00:00

Shanghai's first robot super factory is put into production, realizing "robot" manufacturing "robot"

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  • Time of issue:2021-03-24 00:00


[Shanghai News Comprehensive Channel] Shanghai's first robot super demonstration factory was officially put into operation in Jiading a few days ago. Using robots to make robots, a scene that only appeared in science fiction movies in the past, has now become a reality.

There are almost no industrial workers in the 20,000-square-meter factory building, and they all use robots to make robots. Each robot like this welding robot is multi-purpose. It can do different jobs by picking up different tools and changing the application program. Factory introduction: Through advanced hardware and modern management software to create such an intelligent manufacturing system, industrial robots can be used in batches for production and manufacturing.

Zhang Zhenkui, Marketing Director of STEP Robotics: To build this factory, we used the professional technology of system integration on the automobile production line, and also used our virtual debugging and virtual simulation technology.

The STEP smart factory is the first to try to create complex discrete manufacturing, that is, the parts are manufactured by robots in different places, and finally the final assembly is completed by robots. At present, this super factory has an annual output of 10,000 6-axis industrial robots and 500 flexible robot workstations. set of production capacity. With the use of batch robots, the amount of labor can be reduced by 80%, the one-time pass rate of product testing will increase by 15%, and the output efficiency per unit area will increase by more than 30%.


Wu Yuhui, general manager of STEP Co., Ltd.: Based on 26 years of technical background in the field of electrical control, STEP took the lead in realizing the independent research and development of core components such as robot control systems, as well as other key components and algorithms. The overall autonomy rate of robots has exceeded 60%. %.

By 2022, Shanghai will build 100 smart manufacturing demonstration factories, and the first batch of 20 smart factories will all go online this year. (Reporter Liang Weihao and Shen Jiajun)

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