

Help the community guarantee supply! STEP "epidemic prevention and control" donation

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  • Time of issue:2022-04-24 00:00

Help the community guarantee supply! STEP "epidemic prevention and control" donation

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  • Time of issue:2022-04-24 00:00

As a listed company and a national civilized unit, Shanghai STEP Electric Co., Ltd. has always insisted on fulfilling its social responsibilities. The company's party committee actively carried out fixed-point assistance actions, and paired with Xinfeng Village, Nanxiang Town, to jointly do a good job in fighting the epidemic and effectively relieve work pressure. Up to now, the company's party committee has donated milk, self-heating rice, instant noodles, eight-treasure porridge, masks, disinfectant and other materials to the general party branch of Xinfeng Village.


On April 18, the Jiading District Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce) "Concentric Anti-epidemic Assistance and Supply Protection Action" was launched in Qingyi Community, Nanxiang Town. The anti-epidemic materials donated by STEP have arrived at the gate of the neighborhood committee, including protective clothing and isolation clothing .



"One million yuan was donated through the District Guangcai Business Promotion Association, which will be used for the purchase of epidemic prevention and living materials in Nanxiang Town and Malu Town." Wu Yuhui, president of Shanghai STEP Electric Co., Ltd., said that STEP has been rooted in Nanxiang for more than 20 years, giving back to the territory and returning Society is the corporate culture of STEP.


"We will make good use of these anti-epidemic materials and mainly provide them to property staff, members of the owners' committee and community volunteers." According to Gui Yiping, Secretary of the Party Branch of Qingyi Community, Qingyi Community has a total of 3 communities and There are nearly 100 community volunteers in 3 property companies, and the daily consumption of protective clothing and protective equipment is relatively large.


STEP actively responded to the call of the District Federation of Industry and Commerce, promoted entrepreneurship, actively fulfilled social responsibilities, and provided human, intellectual, and material support for the fight against the epidemic. The epidemic situation is still severe and complicated. STEP will actively help the District Federation of Industry and Commerce to jointly fight the epidemic and overcome difficulties.

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