

The inauguration ceremony of the STEP Academy was held

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  • Time of issue:2021-07-14 00:00

The inauguration ceremony of the STEP Academy was held

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  • Time of issue:2021-07-14 00:00

On July 11, the inauguration ceremony of New Times School was held in the lecture hall of New Times Siyi Road Base. Prof. Wang Qilong, Executive Vice President of Shandong University, Prof. Xu Dengguo of Harbin Institute of Technology, Prof. Cheng Xiuzhen of IEEE FELLOW, Dean of College of Computer Science of Shandong University, Dr. Xiao Weirong, President of Berglas Greater China, and other famous figures from academia and business circles, together with Wu Yuhui, Director and General Manager of Sinostar, pushed the start lever and unveiled the plaque of Sinostar Academy, which marked the official start of operation of Sinostar Academy.

Guest autograph entry






Founder of Newseum and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Academy, Mr. Ji Defa, delivered a speech



The founder of Sinostar, Mr. Ji Defa, attached great importance to the construction of enterprise talents and served as the first chairman of Sinostar Academy. In his passionate speech, he pointed out that in the face of the fast growing intelligent manufacturing market and the competitive market landscape with strong players, Sinostar needs to pay more attention to the cultivation of talent team, Sinostar aspires to become an international famous brand in the field of intelligent manufacturing and a world-class enterprise, it is urgent to integrate internal and external resources, create a training system for continuous improvement, build an endogenous source of growth for the enterprise, cultivate leaders in the field of science and technology talents and world class employees.


Ji Defa said that it is the long-cherished wish of Sinostar people to set up Sinostar Academy. Since being awarded as National Enterprise Technology Center in 2015, Sinostar has pushed forward the construction of Central Research Institute and national laboratories, creating the necessary conditions for the technological progress of the enterprise. Now, Sinostar Academy is set up to cultivate professional leaders in intelligent manufacturing, digital technology, manufacturing technology, etc., and continue to increase the technological research and development in a large scale and long cycle. At the same time, Sinostar Academy will also offer corporate management professionals to enhance corporate leadership. Sinostar Academy will reach cooperation with famous universities and form Sinostar Academy Alliance to build a comprehensive Sinostar talent system by selecting, employing, nurturing and retaining talents.



Speech by Wu Yuhui, General Manager of Xinshi Delta



Wu Yuhui introduced that New Times Corporate Academy will design core courses around the strategic objectives of the company, targeting technical R&D, management cadres, frontline staff as well as suppliers and users, extending the training to key members of the value chain and promoting industrial progress and relationship viscosity.


Speech by Prof. Wang Qilong, Executive Vice President of Shandong University



Wang Qilong said that the concept of "talent is strategy" of STEP AcademySTEP Academy coincides with the fundamental mission of establishing moral education in colleges and universities. By understanding, loving, nurturing and utilizing talents, Sinostar Academy realizes the interconnection and integration of resources from all parties, innovates talent cultivation mode, broadens the path of talent cultivation, stimulates the endogenous power of enterprises, truly plays the leading role of employing subjects in cultivating, attracting and using talents, helps talents to achieve all-round capacity enhancement and adapt to the rapidly developing innovation environment. Shandong University is willing to explore the development path together with Xinshida Academy, realize the interoperability and sharing of university resources and enterprise resources, create diversified talent training projects, and carry out comprehensive and in-depth strategic cooperation in the areas of industry-education integration, technology research, and social practice to gather strength and empower industrial development.


The first class of the new Sida school started



Professor Cheng Xiuzhen, Dean of Shandong University School of Computer Science and IEEE FELLOW, held the first class for the opening of the new SITA academy and taught more than 200 people, including the management cadres of SITA and scientific researchers of the Central Research Institute, about the cutting-edge research results of blockchain technology.



Group photo of guests



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