

Review passed! STEP Zhongweixing won the honorary title of "Little Giant" Enterprise

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  • Time of issue:2022-08-23 00:00

Review passed! STEP Zhongweixing won the honorary title of "Little Giant" Enterprise

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  • Time of issue:2022-08-23 00:00

On August 8, the Shenzhen Small and Medium Enterprise Service Bureau announced the list of the first batch of specialized and special new "little giants" companies that passed the review of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. A total of 6 companies in Shenzhen were on the list. Shenzhen Zhongweixing Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as STEP) Abbreviation: STEP is among them.



Specialized, refined, special and new refers to enterprises with the characteristics of "four modernizations" of "specialization, refinement, specialization, and novelty". It is not only the only way for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, but also a new national policy strongly encouraged and supported by the government. Among them, the selected national-level specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises, as the best among them, are the vanguards who are more focused on market segments, have strong innovation capabilities, high market share, master key core technologies, and have excellent quality and efficiency.


STEP Zhongweixing has been deeply involved in the field of motion control for 20 years, focusing on providing core components and solutions for motion control. SCARA products have conquered the market with word of mouth, and have continuously achieved industry sales leadership. During development, the company has always insisted on independent innovation and breakthroughs in core technologies as its own responsibility to ensure that R&D products meet customer needs and represent advanced nature. Products such as PC-Based control, linear drive, and SCARA have broken the monopoly of foreign technologies and increased the share of localization.


On May 22, 2019, the Small and Medium Enterprise Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of the first batch of specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprises. 248 enterprises (including 8 Shenzhen enterprises) including STEP Zhongweixing were successfully identified, and the validity period is 3 years. 2022 is the review year. According to the review process of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, STEP Zhongweixing meets the certification standards of specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprises after strict level-by-level review by local governments and experts, and finally successfully passed the review.


This time, STEP Zhongweixing was once again awarded the title of national-level specialized and new "little giant" enterprise, which is an affirmation of the development of the enterprise. In the future, the company will pay more attention to continuous efforts in fineness, characteristics and innovation, and consolidate The competitive advantage of the industrial automation industry creates more value for users with high-quality products and services, and strives to become the promoter and enabler of China's intelligent manufacturing revolution.

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