

Machine vision and high-level algorithms, STEP empowers robots to achieve high-efficiency and intelligent welding

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  • Time of issue:2021-06-16 00:00

Machine vision and high-level algorithms, STEP empowers robots to achieve high-efficiency and intelligent welding

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  • Time of issue:2021-06-16 00:00

On June 16th, the first day of the ESSEN exhibition in Essen, the STEP booth was crowded with people, and there were many highlights—steel structures, power tower feet, electric vehicles, intersecting lines, construction machinery and other industries concerned about high-tech welding application solutions Solutions, machine vision and high-level algorithm blessings that welders are concerned about , dual-machine collaboration , arc tracking , thin and medium plate robot welding processes ...all will be displayed at booth 1442, Hall E1, Shanghai New International Expo Center.



exhibition site


Let's go to the STEP booth to find out and see how STEP uses machine vision and high-level algorithms to empower robots, and at the same time deeply couples the welding process to make welding more efficient and more intelligent.



STEP booth


construction machinery


Construction Machinery Workstation


The construction machinery industry has shown a high growth trend in recent years. STEP has made a comprehensive layout for the construction machinery industry - in the construction machinery main engine factory, the STEP Intelligent Manufacturing Division, relying on its own system integration technology potential in the field of automotive body-in-white, provides intelligent manufacturing solutions for the whole plant. Zhejiang Dingli project has established A benchmark in the construction machinery industry; among construction machinery parts companies, the STEP Robotics Division has successively launched loader girders, loader beams, coal mine conveyor rollers, and tower crane motor mounts in XCMG, Sany, Shandong Lingong and other construction machinery supporting enterprises , fuel tank and other components solutions.


Construction Machinery Workstation Working Status


At this exhibition in Essen, STEP brought a fuel tank robot welding solution. This time, STEP used the dual-machine collaboration technology to develop a welding advanced function package , comprehensively using laser tracking , positioner collaboration and other functions, combined with self-developed robot control The system has achieved up to 13 axes of coordination , and finally broke the market competition pattern that was monopolized by imported robot brands in the past . In addition, STEP has developed thin-plate low-current arc-tracking technology , realizing 110A low-current arc-tracking, the thinnest support is 3mm fuel tank plate, low spatter, no grinding, reducing subsequent processes, improving product manufacturing efficiency, and internationally leading performance.


Construction Machinery Workstation Visit and Explanation


steel structure


Steel Workstation


With the promotion of prefabricated buildings, factory manufacturing and assembly construction in the construction industry, more and more steel structures are used. At the same time, due to practical difficulties such as small quantities and multiple batches of orders and limited standardization of incoming materials, it also plagues the automation of the factory manufacturing process of steel structure products. In the past, robotic welding methods such as contact positioning were used. Due to the long positioning time and low welding efficiency, users are very distressed in the face of rapidly increasing orders.


Working status of steel structure workstation


STEP innovatively applies 3D vision and parametric programming to steel structure welding, uses parametric programming to determine the approximate position of the weld seam of the workpiece, and uses a 3D camera to capture the three-dimensional information of the workpiece in real time, quickly and stably extracts weld seam information, and speeds up positioning Increased by 80% , solved the problem of welding efficiency . This technology has been successfully used in multi-scenario welding of complex workpieces such as steel structures , steel bars , heat exchangers , and mesh structures .


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Steel structure workstation visit explanation


electric car


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In the post-epidemic era, the demand for one-person-one-car travel and the decline in the cost of lithium batteries have rapidly pushed up the growth of the two-wheeled electric vehicle market. Two-wheeled electric vehicle companies have high requirements for production tempo, short lead times for new factories, and fast production capacity ramp-up, and have set high standards for robot welding efficiency and ease of operation.


STEP quickly adjusts to the market demand, and loads the self-developed robot dynamics algorithm for the characteristics of two-wheeled electric vehicles such as short welds, many welds, and many empty strokes, and the speed of welding empty strokes increases by 30% ; optimizes the operation of the robot teach pendant The interface realizes foolish operation , and the training period is shortened by 30% ; the thin plate low-spatter welding set is launched , and the full digital system is used to precisely control the current and voltage , the amount of spatter is reduced by 65%-80% , and the number of times to remove spatter and clean the nozzle is greatly improved reduced and improved efficiency.


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On-site communication


Intersecting line


Intersecting Line Workstation


Intersecting line welding has always been a difficult problem in welding automation. There are a series of problems such as poor positioning consistency of tooling, inapplicability of arc tracking, and inapplicability of laser tracking. This time, STEP uses the underlying high-level algorithm and the non-contact positioning sensor to collect round pipe data, automatically identify the pipe diameter and slope, and generate intersecting line trajectories. The process is fully automatic, without programming and teaching, and solves the problem of intersecting line welding.


Intersecting line workstation working status


The core of the STEP intersecting line intelligent welding system is that it can generate the motion trajectory of the robot and the corresponding welding parameters based on the workpiece information collected by point laser scanning detection . In fact, it integrates the experience and methods acquired by "senior welders" through long-term practical operations into the software algorithm, which can help enterprises save training and labor costs for professional and technical personnel. This function can expand many applications, and its positioning efficiency is 80% higher than that of traditional contact positioning. It can automatically fit various curved surfaces and planes , and can also support parametric programming . The overall welding efficiency has been significantly improved , making STEP robots become A true high class welder .


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Intersecting Line Workstation Visit and Explanation


power tower foot


Field Welding Workstation


The processing and manufacturing of power towers is a typical multi-variety and small batch, coupled with manual assembly, the consistency of incoming materials is not good, and some workpieces have overlapping factors such as the national second-level welding seam flaw detection requirements. In the past, it has not been possible to realize automatic welding.


On-site welding workstation working status


STEP innovatively uses parametric programming, combined with line laser guidance to generate welding trajectories, and takes the lead in solving the problem of robotic automation welding at the foot of power towers in engineering applications ; at the same time, after years of exploration, the passing rate of grade welds exceeds that of senior welders .


The STEP power tower foot welding solution has been verified by many tower companies in the China Power Construction and China Energy Construction system . Practice has proved that it is the only stable and available power tower foot welding solution on the market.



On-site welding workstation to participate in the explanation


Seeing is believing, learn more about STEP robotic welding solutions, welcome to visit STEP booth 1442, Hall E1, Shanghai New International Expo Center , and chat with STEP engineers in the next three days (17-19) welding requirements.


STEP Essen booth

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