

STEP Machinery Equipment Control System Project丨Won the first prize of China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award

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  • Time of issue:2021-01-27 16:11

STEP Machinery Equipment Control System Project丨Won the first prize of China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award

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  • Time of issue:2021-01-27 16:11

In order to promote the progress of science and technology in the machinery industry, mobilize the enthusiasm of the science and technology personnel in the machinery industry, and commend the units and personnel who have made outstanding contributions to the science and technology work in the machinery industry, the China Machinery Industry Federation and the China Mechanical Engineering Society jointly issued the "About the Commendation of 2020 China The Decision on Reward Projects of the Science and Technology Awards of the Machinery Industry "decided to commend a total of 370 reward projects of the China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Awards in 2020, including 9 special prizes, 38 first prizes, 133 second prizes, and 190 third prizes. item. The "Key Technical Standards and Test Devices for Real-time Communication of Machinery Equipment Control System" participated by Shanghai STEP Robot Co., Ltd. won the first prize of China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Progress Award.



The project was jointly tackled by 7 units including Shandong Jianzhu University, Shandong University, National Machine Tool Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Shenyang Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shanghai STEP Robotics Co., Ltd. The project proposes a real-time communication technology for mechanical equipment control systems, which solves key technical problems such as real-time and efficient transmission of control and status data, precise synchronization of distributed node actions, and safe and reliable communication. It also develops network performance testing devices, bus servo and networked motion The control system has formulated the machinery industry standard JB/T13075-2017, which has realized the application and promotion of technology and standards in high-end equipment control systems such as textile machinery, industrial robots, and CNC machine tools.

The China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award has played a positive role in improving the enthusiasm and creativity of the majority of scientific and technological workers in the machinery industry and promoting the development of science and technology in the machinery industry. It is one of the most influential industry awards in my country. It is jointly established by the China Machinery Industry Federation and the China Mechanical Engineering Society, approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, and recognized by the National Science and Technology Award Work Office. channel.

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