

STEP attended the International Robot Testing and Certification and Yangtze River Delta Industry Innovation Conference

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  • Time of issue:2021-01-09 16:22

STEP attended the International Robot Testing and Certification and Yangtze River Delta Industry Innovation Conference

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  • Time of issue:2021-01-09 16:22

On January 8, the International Robot Inspection and Certification and Yangtze River Delta Industry Innovation Conference was held in Shanghai. Wu Yuhui, general manager of STEP, Zhou Guangxing, general manager of STEP Robotics Division, and Zhang Minliang, director of R&D, attended the event and participated deeply in common technologies, quality improvement, Multiple links in the construction of the robot industry, such as testing and certification, achievement transformation, talent training, and scene application, contribute STEP strength to the promotion of industrial development.

The theme of this International Robot Testing and Certification and Yangtze River Delta Industry Innovation Conference is "Enabling Regional Industries and Enhancing Enterprise Value", hosted by Shanghai Institute of Electrical Appliance Science and Shanghai Robot Industry Technology Research Institute, academician Tan Jianrong of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Zhao Chunsheng of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Academicians, Academician You Jianxin of the International Academy of Quality Sciences, Professor Zhao Jie from Harbin Institute of Technology, Dean Zheng Junqi of Shanghai Robot Industry Technology Research Institute and other industry leaders attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

STEP won the Outstanding Contribution Award in the First Shanghai Industrial Robot Technology Application Skills Competition

The first Shanghai Industrial Robot Technology Application Skills Competition and the 4th National Industrial Robot Skills Application Competition Selection Finals are jointly sponsored by the Shanghai Municipal Economic and Informatization Commission, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Education Commission, Federation of Trade Unions and Youth League Municipal Committee, and will be held in 2020 The event was organized and completed from December 19th to 20th, 2019. The list of winners was announced at this meeting, and the units that performed well during the event hosting process were commended. Wu Yuhui, general manager of STEP, presented medals to the winners.


Wu Yu, general manager of STEP, will present awards to the winners


Wu Yuhui, general manager of STEP (first from the right), took a group photo with the winners



As the technical support unit of this competition, STEP robot provided competition equipment for this competition, and the STEP robot competition service team was at the competition site to provide technical service support and guarantee for the normal operation of the competition equipment. In recognition of the efforts of STEP robots for the event, Han Dadong, director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Promotion Division of the Shanghai Economic and Information Commission, presented the Outstanding Contribution Award to Zhou Guangxing, general manager of the STEP Robot Division.


Zhou Guangxing (first from the right), general manager of the STEP Robot Division, received the Outstanding Contribution Award


STEP serves as the governing unit of the Yangtze River Delta Robot Industry Platform Innovation Alliance

The Yangtze River Delta Robot Industry Platform Innovation Alliance, chaired by Academician Tan Jianrong of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is composed of Shanghai Robot Industry Technology Research Institute, Huzhou Green Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Research Institute, Soochow University Xiangcheng Robot and Intelligent Equipment Research Institute, Ningbo Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Research Institute Institute, Robot Research Center of University of Science and Technology of China, Yangtze River Basin Intelligent Manufacturing and Robot Industry Alliance and other robot research institutions, aiming to build the Yangtze River Delta region into a strong and active growth pole for the development of my country's robot industry and an Asia-Pacific gateway for resource allocation. Become the technological innovation highland of the global robotics industry. The main function of the alliance is to carry out collaborative innovation of robot industry technology, analyze the current status of industrial application technology research, jointly carry out common key technology research, major product research and development, application and achievement transformation, connect robot application scenarios, establish a global robot industry map, and interpret international and domestic Standards and access rules, to create a world-class robotics industry innovation complex.

At this conference, the Yangtze River Delta Robot Industry Platform Innovation Alliance held a launching ceremony. At the invitation of the alliance, STEP served as the governing unit of the alliance.


Dr. Zhang Minliang (third from left), R&D Director of STEP Robotics, attended the China Robot CR Certification Ceremony


Wu Yuhui, general manager of STEP (second from the right), attended the launching ceremony of the industrial robot reliability evaluation and level improvement initiative


Photo Dr. Zhang Minliang (third from left), R&D director of STEP robot, attended the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation for improving the reliability and quality of robots


Roundtable Dialogue: New Application Scenarios of Industrial Robots - Supporting National Strategic Emerging Industries

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