

STEP Robot Powers Welding Application丨Grandly Held the 2020 Partner Conference

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  • Time of issue:2019-12-23 00:00

STEP Robot Powers Welding Application丨Grandly Held the 2020 Partner Conference

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  • Time of issue:2019-12-23 00:00

On December 20, 2019, the 2020 STEP Robot Partner Conference with the theme of "Intelligently Create Dreams, Weld the Future" was held in Shanghai. More than 200 partners from all over the country attended the meeting, witnessed the technical achievements of STEP robots over the years, discussed collaborative development, shared market strategies and technical trends for 2020, and jointly built a sustainable cooperative growth ecology.


Ji Yi, Chairman of STEP Group

Ji Yi, chairman of STEP Group, said in his speech that STEP's strategic goal is to become a high-quality industrial robot brand, and will focus on continuous R&D investment and improving manufacturing levels. STEP insists on long-term investment in robot research and development, and has established an excellent domestic R&D team. This year, it also set up a research and development center in Japan, where industrial robots are developed, and strives to absorb the most advanced international industrial robot technology to provide our customers with higher-quality industrial robot products. . In order to improve the level of production and manufacturing, STEP has established a leading new robot factory in China. Now the production line equipment for robot manufacturing robots is entering the market one after another, and will be put into operation in 2020.


Zhou Shuopeng, General Manager of STEP Robotics

"Technology is benchmarked against imports, and performance wins; the market is segmented, focusing on welding applications. STEP robots strengthen technical collaboration and market cooperation with partners to win the future together." Zhou Shuopeng, general manager of STEP Robotics, said in his speech. In the new year, STEP Robotics will focus on enhancing brand influence in subdivided industries, and work with partners to deepen the welding market, dig deep into customer needs, and provide customers with high-quality products and solutions.


New hollow welding robot SA6/1440H


Shang Xuran, product manager of STEP robot

At this partner conference, STEP Robot released a new hollow welding robot - SA6/1440H after two years of careful polishing. Benchmarking international brand research and development, after long-term strict technical testing and practical testing, the STEP arc welding robot product line has been perfected. The meeting also released new control cabinets, teach pendants and welding advanced software packages. As the first domestic robot manufacturer deeply involved in welding applications, STEP robots have completed the accumulation of welding technology through a wide range of market applications in the past 8 years. In the future, they will concentrate on welding applications and seize Foreign robot brands occupy a dominant position in the welding market.


Li Jianjun, Deputy Secretary-General of China Engineering Construction Welding Association


Hua Xueming, director of Shanghai Jiaotong University Welding and Laser Manufacturing Institute

In the expert lecture session, Li Jianjun, deputy secretary-general of the China Engineering Construction Welding Association, exchanged his experience on the application of robot welding technology, and Professor Hua Xueming, director of the Institute of Welding and Laser Manufacturing of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, analyzed the status quo and development trend of intelligent welding technology.


Awarding Ceremony of STEP Gold Partners

The meeting commended the partners with excellent performance and remarkable achievements in 2019. The achievements of STEP gold partners, collaborative partners and authorized integrators in terms of performance, market expansion and teamwork have been affirmed by the market.

The guests watched the live demonstration of welding applications. Various thicknesses of thin and medium plates, various materials of carbon steel, stainless steel, and galvanized sheet, multiple welding processes of TIG and MAG, and a full range of STEP welding robot products were unveiled in a concentrated manner. Feel the technical strength of STEP robots.




On-site welding workstation test welding display

In the future, STEP robots will further integrate and optimize the advantages of technology, products, resources and channels. Through the improvement of brand influence, we will work closely with more partners to dig deep into market segments and jointly expand emerging industries such as automation, robots and intelligent manufacturing. industry.


Participants took a group photo

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