

Caring for public welfare, we are always on the road丨STEP and Shanda Lian Xin Zhijiao activities small notes

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  • Time of issue:2019-10-08 00:00

Caring for public welfare, we are always on the road丨STEP and Shanda Lian Xin Zhijiao activities small notes

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  • Time of issue:2019-10-08 00:00

In the summer of 2019, there was such a group of caring college students. They packed their bags and had dreams in their hearts, and spent a different summer vacation with strangers.
This is the love group formed by the college students of the Lianxin Teaching Mission of Shandong University sponsored by STEP. They went to Baiyin, Gansu, Zunyi, Guizhou, Luoyang, Henan, and Xinxiang, Henan to carry out love donation and education support activities . Shandong University Lianxin Supporting Teaching Group was established in 2008. It is a student association organization with the purpose of providing volunteer teaching services for rural primary and secondary schools in poverty-stricken areas, strengthening the team awareness of college students, training college students' social communication and practical skills, and calling on social members to care about the growth of children in mountainous areas. . Since its establishment, the Shandong University Lianxin Teaching Group has successively won the silver and bronze awards of the Akzo Nobel National Undergraduate Social Welfare Award, and has been recognized by the society. Since 2017, STEP has cooperated with the Shanda Lianxin Educational Group to support college students to give back to the society, care for disadvantaged groups, and provide help to children in poor areas. I hope that love and devotion can help children pursue their dreams and deliver positive energy to the society! We also look forward to more caring people working together with us to create a better future for the flowers of the motherland with responsibility and wisdom!



Xinxiang team


Luoyang team


Guizhou team


Gansu team

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