

STEP丨Elevator industry users choose reliable component brands

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  • Time of issue:2019-10-08 00:00

STEP丨Elevator industry users choose reliable component brands

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  • Time of issue:2019-10-08 00:00

The 2019 "Chinese Dream Brand Dream" selection of the best brands in the elevator industry was officially launched on March 5th and lasted for 5 months. After registration, sea selection, final selection, and award confirmation, online voting and offline voting EDM voting Three ways, voted by industry experts, associations, media, real estate developers, property companies, elevator maintenance companies and elevator dealers, in September, 7 brand awards and 10 comprehensive awards were selected, with a total of awards 17.

The event was sponsored by Purcell Media, and the third selection ceremony of the elevator industry users' preferred brands was successfully held in Shanghai in September. STEP won 2 awards, namely the 2019 Elevator Industry Users' Choice Trustworthy Parts Brand and the Ingenious Person of the Year.


STEP丨Users choose reliable component brands


Ingenious Person of the Year Wang Peng, General Manager of
STEP Electric Company (3rd from left)

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