

Special love for special you丨Traveling in Guyi Garden with children from Chengjia School

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  • Time of issue:2019-05-15 00:00

Special love for special you丨Traveling in Guyi Garden with children from Chengjia School

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  • Time of issue:2019-05-15 00:00

There is such a group of special children in Jiading Chengjia School in Shanghai. They may not like to talk to others, they may not be able to run and jump like other peers, or they may not be able to control their behavior... In the eyes of ordinary people, these special children The children are different from ordinary people, and will be cast with strange eyes, but as long as you get close to their world, you will inadvertently gain a lot of sincere and sincere touch. Every May since 2012, the STEP Youth League Committee will organize young volunteers to visit the children of Chengjia School. This year, the Youth League Committee organized us to take the children to Nanxiang Guyi Garden for fun.
At 12:30 on May 8th, we arrived at Dajia School, walked into the quiet campus, and felt a different atmosphere. I am a person who is easily moved. I always lament the injustice of fate for some innocent or weak lives. They need help and love too much. In this campus, there is no chasing and noise, no laughter, no reading, and even normal language communication is very difficult. It suddenly occurred to me that facing such a group of special children in such a special environment, what kind of benevolence should a teacher have? Perhaps only those who have worked as teachers can appreciate the hard work and responsibility here, no It requires a lot of theory to discuss, not to mention gorgeous words and sentences. From the intimate and subtle movements, from the gentle eyes when looking at the children, and from the words that are repeated patiently and repeatedly with the children, it is enough for us to feel Feel the power of this love, selfless and great.
We distributed the gifts we brought to the children in the class. The children who received the gifts were very excited. Some danced in the classroom, not knowing how to express their inner joy; some ran aside and hid in a small room behind the class. , shyly refused to come out; some hurriedly stuffed the presents into their small schoolbags, for fear that they would disappear. Seeing the natural and undisguised performance of each of these children, I felt how innocent and lovely these children are!
After distributing the gifts, the teacher arranged for us to "claim" the children and take them to Guyi Garden to play together. Coincidentally, there is a little boy Xuanxuan with the same name as mine in the class. This is sister Xuanxuan and younger brother Xuanxuan. It's strange to say that Xuanxuan's round face and big flickering eyes are very cute, and he smiles at me from time to time. My heart melts when he smiles, full of innocence, without any falsehood, just like before us Just know the general. When leaving the school gate, the teacher reminded the children to hold the hands of their brothers and sisters and not get lost. When Xuanxuan heard what the teacher said, he immediately clasped his fingers with me. I didn't expect that the trusting little hand was handed over to me like this, which immediately gave me a sense of responsibility and the obligation to protect his safety. Xuanxuan is very obedient, she keeps looking out the window in the car, and says "bus" when she sees a big bus on the road, sometimes she is very excited and smiles at me, sometimes she is silent and just looks out the window.
Soon we arrived at the gate of Guyi Garden. While leading the teacher and the Secretary of the Youth League Committee to buy tickets, the children couldn’t wait to go play in the garden, especially Xuanxuan, who was holding my hand and always wanted to earn money. Running at the entrance, for Xuanxuan's fat body, I really can't hold him back. At this time, the teacher came and said: "Xuanxuan is not allowed to run around, or your schoolbag will not be given to you!" Haha, it worked, and Xuanxuan came back to me obediently. After entering the garden, Xuanxuan loved to go to the pond to watch the fish, but I was worried that he would fall into the pond, so I used the "unique trick" my teacher used to persuade Xuanxuan to come back. When we came to a place with children's play facilities, Xuanxuan was the first to take the brunt of it and went to play on the swings. The teacher told me that he especially liked swings, and he also liked playing in school. The teacher also said that Xuanxuan has obsessive-compulsive disorder. When drinking water, there should not be half a bottle of water left in the bottle. You must drink all of it or throw it away. Hearing what the teacher said, I hope he can slowly get rid of these compulsive movements and return to a normal life. When Xuanxuan was enjoying himself on the swing, another little girl beside him also wanted to play. Xuanxuan stood up and let the little girl play. child.
If we say that special education schools are a fertile soil that breeds hope, then the teachers of special education are the faithful guardians of this land. They are gardeners, and they know that special education needs more care and effort, and the road to special education is full of ups and downs and hardships. They love children and lead them step by step to the future with their warm hands and hot hearts. Every child in the school has their own characteristics, which seems to be a "gift" given to them by God. Like little angels, their world is so pure. There is a girl with weak right hand muscles, but her gentle eyes make me and my colleagues look down on me, and there is another girl who always shows a bright smile. This smile seems to exude magic power, making all the pain and unhappiness disappear. .
In the eyes of the children of Chengjia School, a happy life every day is very satisfying. They do not have too many demands. As long as they are accompanied by family members and teachers, and surrounded by love, they can grow up happily. Seeing that they are living a carefree life and living every day positively, we should not complain about life even if we are healthy.
The half-day garden tour is coming to an end, and we took a group photo at the gate of Guyi Garden, recording the scene full of love at this moment.

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