

Xiaoao Kunshan factory, beautiful industrial landscape

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  • Time of issue:2019-04-24 00:00

Xiaoao Kunshan factory, beautiful industrial landscape

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  • Time of issue:2019-04-24 00:00


Braving the first thunderstorm in spring, we came to Xiaoao Kunshan factory (STEP Group), which was very shocking.


The first phase of the factory is 30 mu of land, almost all of which are fully supported by the factory buildings. The factory building is divided into three spans, and can be used to assemble three robot car production lines at the same time. Each line can accommodate more than a hundred robots weighing 240 kg. The scale is large, the momentum is grand, and the planning is meticulous.

Good intentions can be seen everywhere in the design and planning of the factory. The working site is wide, the natural lighting is just right, the plant is naturally heat-insulated, and all kinds of electrical wiring and water vapor pipes are hidden in the plant structure and integrated with the overall structure. The yellow hoisting cranes of each span set off against the gray walls and the smooth mirror-like ground, showing the simple, spacious and western style of a large enterprise that can only be seen abroad.


When we visited the factory, a car assembly line with more than 90 robots was being assembled and debugged in the workshop. Workers and technicians wearing STEP Xiaoao overalls and STEP helmets with white background and blue characters are doing the post-commissioning work in an unhurried and orderly manner. First-class world-brand robots, first-class robot control cabinets, first-class automobile assembly lines, First-class kanban management, first-class operation status... Everything in Xiao'ao Kunshan Factory is "first-class". Among Kunshan enterprises, Xiao'ao can be regarded as a beautiful industrial landscape.


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