

Central and Eastern European Innovation Cooperation Conference丨STEP participated in the activities of the Shanghai delegation

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  • Time of issue:2018-11-19 00:00

Central and Eastern European Innovation Cooperation Conference丨STEP participated in the activities of the Shanghai delegation

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  • Time of issue:2018-11-19 00:00

16+1 Central and Eastern European Innovation Cooperation Conference On
November 6, 2018, the opening ceremony of the 3rd China-CEEC Innovation Cooperation Conference (and 16+1 Central and Eastern European Innovation Cooperation Conference) was successfully held in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang sent a congratulatory letter to the conference. Zhang Jianguo, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and Director of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, read the congratulatory letter and delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the conference. Denis Zvezdic, Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Council of Ministers (Prime Minister) and Minister The meeting's vice-chairman (deputy prime minister) and Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Sarovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina Minister of Communications and Transportation Yusko attended the opening ceremony of the meeting.
During the conference, more than 20 activities including innovation cooperation forums, keynote speeches, symposiums, project promotion meetings, one-on-one negotiations, and exhibitions were held. More than 150 industry-university-research representatives from 14 provinces and cities participated in the meeting, displaying more than 40 projects, involving electronic information, new energy, environmental protection, advanced manufacturing and other fields.
STEP participated in the activities of the Shanghai delegation


Shanghai delegation member

The Shanghai delegation is composed of representatives from Shanghai Science and Technology Exchange Center, Donghua University, Jiaotong University, East China University of Science and Technology, and Shanghai STEP Electric Co., Ltd., with 2 project requirements, 3 participants, 1 b2b project matchmaking, and negotiation intentions 1 item.


STEP Dr. Ding Xinzhong (right) communicated with representatives of the United National Children's Fund in Bosnia and Herzegovina (left)

Shanghai STEP Electric Co., Ltd. and the United National Children's Foundation of Bosnia and Herzegovina have reached an intention to cooperate. The foundation is committed to promoting the science education of local children, especially female children. The foundation works on children's education in IT.
Shanghai Jiaotong University communicated with Chinese Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Chen Bo, Dean of the Confucius Institute at the University of Sarajevo La Weixin and other government and university representatives, as well as some representatives of local innovative enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to understand the local innovative cooperation needs and cooperation opportunities.
Anhui Meikedi Intelligent Microcapsule Technology Co., Ltd. brought by the delegation promoted the project at the meeting, and communicated with Bosnia and Herzegovina Natural Essential Oil Technology Co., Ltd. on the b2b docking, and reached a preliminary exchange and cooperation intention, responsible for developing mutual market. Smart microcapsule is a new type of microcapsule technology developed in China, which is used in household care, textile, electronic products and aerospace fields.
Through this meeting, the Shanghai delegation fully communicated with the local government and enterprises, learned about local government policies, cultural environment, social development, etc., and deeply understood the national strategy of "One Belt, One Road" and the great significance of cooperation between China and Central and Eastern Europe , I also realized the responsibility and responsibility of Chinese universities, enterprises and institutions to do a good job in scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges. The next work should be further communicated with the local government and enterprises, and try our best to promote the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements as soon as possible.

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