

National Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise | STEP passed the review evaluation

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  • Time of issue:2018-09-26 00:00

National Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise | STEP passed the review evaluation

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  • Time of issue:2018-09-26 00:00

On September 18, 2018, the "2018 China Manufacturing Innovation Conference" with the theme of "openness, cooperation, innovation and development" was held in Guangzhou. Li Xi, Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, Miao Wei, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, and Ma Xingrui, Governor of Guangdong Province, attended the conference and delivered speeches.
Minister Miao Wei pointed out that building a strong manufacturing country and implementing innovation-driven development are key measures. Accelerating the construction of a national manufacturing innovation system with the manufacturing innovation center as the core node, constantly breaking through the key technologies and common technologies that restrict the development of the manufacturing industry, and comprehensively improving the manufacturing innovation capability and international competitiveness are the key to promoting my country's manufacturing industry to overcome obstacles. , The strategic focus of transformation and upgrading.
This year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized a review and evaluation of 150 "National Technological Innovation Demonstration Enterprises" that were identified and passed the review in 2015, of which 146 companies passed the review and 4 companies failed the review. During the conference, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology awarded a bronze medal to the "National Technological Innovation Demonstration Enterprise" that passed the review and evaluation in 2018.
STEP , as one of the representatives of national technology innovation demonstration enterprises in Shanghai, participated in this conference and was awarded the bronze medal of "National Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise".




The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology emphasized that it is hoped that enterprises that have passed the review and evaluation of national technological innovation demonstration enterprises will effectively play a leading role in demonstration, improve system construction, increase investment in technological innovation, strengthen key core technology research, continuously improve independent innovation capabilities, and truly become the main body of innovation.

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