

The young eagle set sail丨STEP launches 2018 fresh graduate induction training activities

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  • Time of issue:2018-07-31 00:00

The young eagle set sail丨STEP launches 2018 fresh graduate induction training activities

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  • Time of issue:2018-07-31 00:00

In July, STEP ushered in 48 outstanding fresh graduates. Most of them graduated from domestic 985, 211 and other famous universities, as well as foreign first-class universities such as the United States. The proportion of masters is about 85%. After more than ten years of hard work, with the expectations of their parents and beautiful dreams, they gathered at STEP in this melodious season of lotus rhyme. Shanghai STEP's 2018 graduating students "Eagle Set Sail" program kicked off.


On July 17, the "STEP 2018 Freshman Orientation Party" was grandly held at the Meiyu Road factory. At the orientation site, President Cai Liang warmly welcomed the fresh graduates to join STEP, and then exchanged views on the company's future development and expectations for everyone. Xu Jiansheng, Director of the Human Resources Department, explained the training direction of the "Eagle Set Sail" program, and gave guidance and requirements based on the company's needs. The on-site communication atmosphere was harmonious and enthusiastic. After the communication, the company leaders took a group photo with everyone.


This "Eagle Set Sail" plan has received great assistance and help from various departments of the company. In the two sessions of the orientation meeting, "senior sharing" and "mentor sharing", two outstanding seniors and mentors, Li Xinghe and Kong Haoyuan, were specially invited to share with you , According to their own development process, they gave everyone some positive guidance and suggestions in terms of professionalism, professional skills and professional ability, and they received constant applause.

In order to enable the trainees to integrate into the company environment as soon as possible and change their roles as soon as possible, the company specially held corresponding project activities after the orientation. Links such as "finding friends, singing STEP songs, brain test, product line sand table simulation, and BP interaction" were carried out one by one. The atmosphere on the scene was high and everyone was active. Finally, our ACE team won this victory.



The "Eagle Set Sail" program takes "knowledge, skills, and will" as the general learning outline, and the cycle lasts for one year. The training plan is divided into four stages: familiarization period, learning period, training period, and growth period to ensure the steady growth of fresh graduates. During the period, in order to achieve effective evaluation and correction in the training cycle, HR interviews, mentoring, and activity development were set up in the middle; in the post, in order to adapt faster, a workshop and cross-departmental practice phase were arranged, and the corresponding Instructors teach; in terms of content, in order to enhance students' understanding of the company's products, a comprehensive product basic course is configured...


On July 26, the first product knowledge training course was led by Hu Zhitao, the vice president of the company. Mr. Hu first told everyone about "STEP Technology Development History", so that everyone can clearly understand the company's product development process. In class, everyone is serious, actively participates in the interaction with teachers, and earnestly learns product knowledge.


The STEP2018 "Eagle Set Sail" program has been officially launched. All the partners have actively invested in their own studies. Everyone said that they should integrate into the post as soon as possible, complete the learning tasks, realize self-worth on the post, inject vitality into the development of the company and contribute own strength.

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