

Friends come from afar丨China International Elevator Exhibition follow-up report

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  • Time of issue:2018-05-22 00:00

Friends come from afar丨China International Elevator Exhibition follow-up report

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  • Time of issue:2018-05-22 00:00

From May 8th to 11th, the 2018 China International Elevator Exhibition held at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center brought together professionals in the global elevator industry. Everyone searched for the latest products in the industry and the development trend of the industry.

The STEP booth was full of people, old and new friends gathered and communicated, STEP people were enthusiastic and dedicated, and it was a joy to have friends coming from afar!


Gidefa, the former chairman of STEP, and Cai Liang, the president, warmly received Li Shoulin, chairman of the China Elevator Association, Wang Youlin, chairman of CANNY Elevator, and other leaders and friends


Yuan Zhongmin, vice chairman of STEP, Hu Zhitao, vice president, Wang Peng, vice president/electrical general manager, and other leaders came out to welcome the audience and friends who visited the booth


Wang Gaojian, general manager of Yixin International, led the team to warmly welcome international friends


Discussion and exchange, you ask me to answer


Assiduous study, professional explanation丨Group photo of the staff


Energetic, Passionate Football丨Football Friendly Match Staged



On the evening of the 9th, STEP invited some exhibitors to hold a friendly football match in Jiading, Shanghai. The home team, the Shanghai Blue Team, is played by members of STEP Electric. Customers against the red team, with customers from Guangdong as the main force. The members include Suzuki General Manager Cai Xiuwen, Syngelin General Manager Yang Guotian, Doppler General Manager Gong Qinghua, as well as players from Henk, Deutsch, Hyundai and other companies.

After fierce competition, the game finally ended with a score of 3:6, and the red team won by 3 goals. Cai Xiuwen, general manager of Guangdong Suzuki, won the Golden Globe Award for his outstanding performance, and Wang Peng, general manager of STEP Electric, presented the trophy to him. Friendship comes first, competition comes second. After the game, the players from both sides took photos together.

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