

Smart Manufacturing丨Xiaoao was selected into the recommended directory of smart manufacturing suppliers in Shanghai

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  • Time of issue:2018-02-08 00:00

Smart Manufacturing丨Xiaoao was selected into the recommended directory of smart manufacturing suppliers in Shanghai

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  • Time of issue:2018-02-08 00:00

Xiaoao was selected into the recommended list of intelligent manufacturing suppliers
On February 5, at the Intelligent Manufacturing Promotion Conference hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, the "Shanghai First Batch of Intelligent Manufacturing System Solution Suppliers Recommended Catalogue" was announced. Shanghai Xiaoao Xiangrong Automobile Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd. was selected, and Tian Yongxin, general manager of Xiaoao, was awarded the certificate.


Enterprises included in the project directory will enjoy the following preferential conditions: 1) Priority inclusion in the national and Shanghai system solution provider cultivation plan; applying for special financial funds such as the national intelligent manufacturing project and the first breakthrough of Shanghai's high-end intelligent equipment , and Shanghai industrial transformation and upgrading investment funds will be given priority; a number of supports will be given in talent introduction, land use and other aspects. 2) In terms of financial service needs such as bank loans, financial leasing, and equity financing, give priority to recommending to banks, financial leasing companies, venture capital and other institutions. 3) Priority to participate in market docking activities organized by the government or industry associations to understand the needs of users for intelligent transformation. 


Xiaoao was elected as the vice-chairman unit of the Intelligent Manufacturing Association
At the inaugural meeting of the Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Association held at the same time, Shanghai Xiaoao Xiangrong Automobile Industry Equipment Co., Ltd. was elected as the vice-chairman unit of the Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Association, and Shanghai STEP Robotics Co., Ltd. was elected governing unit. Xiaoao and STEP robots are important forces in the STEP intelligent manufacturing sector. This time Xiaoao was selected into the Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Recommended Catalog and was elected as the vice president of the association and STEP robot was elected as the director, which will give a strong impetus to the development of the STEP intelligent manufacturing sector. effect.


At the conference, Tian Yongxin, vice president of STEP/general manager of Xiaoao, made a report on "STEP's Transformation and Development from Traditional Manufacturing to Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment Enterprises". Mr. Tian said that in the process of transformation, STEP, under the guidance of "Made in China 2025", adheres to the two-wheel drive strategy - focusing on the endogenous growth of independent technological innovation, and using industrial capital to integrate the external growth of intelligent manufacturing industry chain resources Supplemented by this, a complete intelligent manufacturing industrial chain of "key components - robot body - system integration application" has been formed. In the face of growing market demand and fierce competition, STEP will focus on solving technical and production capacity bottlenecks, and contribute to the development of my country's intelligent manufacturing.

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