

Annual output of 10,000 sets of industrial robots ∣ STEP robot new factory started construction

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  • Time of issue:2017-08-18 00:00

Annual output of 10,000 sets of industrial robots ∣ STEP robot new factory started construction

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  • Time of issue:2017-08-18 00:00

On August 17, 2017, in this beautiful day when summer still exists and autumn is getting stronger, the foundation stone laying ceremony of Shanghai STEP Robot Co., Ltd.'s new factory with an annual output of 10,000 sets of industrial robots was held at No. 1518, Siyi Road, Jiading District, Shanghai. held.

Dai Liu, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, deputy director of the Financial and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress, and chairman of the Shanghai Robot Industry Association; Wu Jincheng, deputy director of the Shanghai Economic and Information Commission; Chen Bin, Vice Chairman of the District CPPCC, Zheng Jiming, Director of the Shanghai Jiading District Taxation Bureau, Liu Jun, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shanghai Jiading New City, Executive Deputy Director of the Management Committee, and Secretary of the Party Committee of Malu Town, Jiading District, Shanghai, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Jiading District Economic Committee Director Wu Wenhua and other leaders of municipalities, towns, committees and offices, partners, and news media attended the event.


The STEP robot new factory project covers an area of ​​48,000 square meters, with a construction area of ​​27,000 square meters and a total investment of 693 million yuan. After completion, it can form an industrial scale with an annual output of 10,000 sets of industrial robots. The new factory project will focus on building a professional, large-scale and intelligent manufacturing base for robots, key components and motion control system products. Test system, and form a brand-new, fully intelligent robot and key components and motion control system product manufacturing system.


At the groundbreaking ceremony, leaders from Shanghai, Jiading District, and Malu Town at all levels, as well as STEP Chairman Ji Yi, delivered speeches respectively to congratulate the birth of STEP's 10,000 sets of industrial robot production base.


Ji Yi, Chairman of Shanghai STEP Electric Co., Ltd.

Robots are the great achievement of the industrial revolution and the jewel in the crown of industrial manufacturing. Owning a professional, large-scale and intelligent robot manufacturing base and a future factory of "robots making robots" with real intelligent manufacturing connotations have always been the "future dream" of our STEP people, and now, we are delighted Behold: this dream will come true here, not long before!

On this industrial base, STEP will surely write a brilliant chapter from China's "made" manufacturing, to China's "smart" manufacturing, and then to China's "creative" manufacturing! We look forward to the robots produced here becoming the pride of China!


Zhang Min, Deputy Mayor of Malu Town, Jiading District, Shanghai

On behalf of Jiading New City and Malu Town, I express three meanings. First, learn from the STEP team. STEP has a team with strong combat effectiveness. They are not afraid of difficulties, keep pace with the times, pioneer and innovate, promote transformation with innovation, promote development with transformation, and promote benefits with development. Second, learn the spirit of innovation. STEP robot technology innovation has made remarkable achievements. In the field of robotics, it has obtained 26 patents and 10 software copyrights; it is not only a member of the National Robot Standardization General Group, but also the first batch of Chinese robot CR certification. Third, serve well the enterprises represented by STEP. We will further improve the surrounding infrastructure construction, connect with enterprises to provide policy support for talents and innovation, stimulate upstream and downstream enterprises, build a good platform, and boost the development of robotics and intelligent manufacturing industries.


Member of the Standing Committee of the Jiading District Committee of the Communist Party of China, Director of the Organization Department of the District Committee Zhou Wenjie

STEP is our star enterprise in Jiading, a shining "business card" of Jiading's advanced manufacturing industry, and a model unit for the party building work of Jiading's "two new organizations". STEP has been developing in Jiading for nearly 20 years. We witnessed the completion of its first electrical factory, rang the bell for its listing, and shared the joy of its first robot coming off the assembly line.

With the start of the construction of the new factory, we are eagerly looking forward to another new leap in STEP's intelligent manufacturing, and we are eagerly looking forward to STEP showing us its stronger and stronger innovative strength. Our district committee and district government will also fully support the development and growth of STEP, and contribute to the success of STEP.


Member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, Deputy Director of the Finance and Economics Committee of the National People's Congress, and Chairman of the Shanghai Robot Industry Association Dai Liu

Standing here today feels a little new. It is the first time I have been speaking on a robot podium in the past 30 years in the robotics industry. This is an industrial robot that can at least undertake four-axis and four-linkage, which can prove that robots are everywhere and omnipotent.

I remember that the year before last, representatives from the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress and I made a special trip to STEP to visit and study. One of the representatives, Wang Rugang, the head of the Shanghai People's Comedy Troupe, said with emotion that he has been in burlesque performances for most of his life, and he didn't know what a robot is until STEP, and that robots will expand his field of performance in the future.

Since 2015, my country has become the world's largest application market for robots. Starting from 50,000 to 60,000 units, it has now reached 80,000 units. Seeing the goal of 10,000 sets of STEP on the background stage, I felt the ambition of STEP. How big is the robot application space? Let’s talk about the number and let everyone feel it. Usually, the number of robots per 10,000 workers is used to measure the popularity of robots internationally. At present, the number of robots per 10,000 workers in my country is less than 1/10 of that in South Korea. The market development space is very huge. We look forward to the early completion of the new STEP robot factory, the realization of the dream of the rise of domestic brand robots, and the contribution of STEP robots to the early realization of the "Made in China 2025" national strategy.


Wu Jincheng, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology

Intelligent manufacturing, especially the robot industry, is an important direction of Made in China 2025, and it is also a very important industry for the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to promote advanced manufacturing. Every time STEP transforms, it can keep pace with the times and is very stable. We are full of confidence in STEP10000 sets of new factory. Looking forward to the early completion of the new STEP robot factory, STEP robots can become a shining business card for domestic robots and play an important role in promoting the development of Shanghai's robot industry, intelligent manufacturing industry, and Internet industry.


STEP's new factory project with an annual output of 10,000 sets of industrial robots has started construction, which will surely become another milestone in the transformation and development of STEP!

Robotics • Smart Technology • Factory of the Future. STEP people will keep their responsibilities in mind, be grateful to the society, sweat, continue to dream, gather scientific and technological wisdom, and contribute to the intelligent future factory!

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