

The rapid growth of STEP robot business ∣ "Shanghai Smart Manufacturing" is eye-catching

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  • Time of issue:2017-08-22 00:00

The rapid growth of STEP robot business ∣ "Shanghai Smart Manufacturing" is eye-catching

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  • Time of issue:2017-08-22 00:00

[Shanghai News Comprehensive Channel] The development level of the equipment manufacturing industry, especially the intelligent manufacturing industry, is an important indicator of the industrialization level of a region or even a country. Data show that from January to June this year, the city's equipment manufacturing industry grew rapidly, with a total output value of more than 625.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14%. Among them, the performance of intelligent manufacturing equipment is particularly impressive, including key areas such as industrial robot intelligent manufacturing system integration, with a year-on-year growth rate of more than 30%, becoming a new driving force for Shanghai's industrial recovery.



This is STEP Electric's factory located in Nanxiang, Jiading. A row of industrial robots that have just been produced are undergoing final testing and inspection. As an old Shanghai electric control equipment manufacturer, it has aimed at market opportunities in recent years. In the original elevator control and Outside the field of driving, the production of industrial robots has been laid out in advance.


Yuan Zhongmin, vice chairman of STEP: The first half of this year was better than our expectations. The sales revenue of the entire group increased by 50%, of which the intelligent manufacturing sector accounted for 70% of the business.

The person in charge of the company told reporters that the blowout of industrial robot sales is due to the early transformation of the company on the one hand, and it is also the result of the rapid growth of demand for intelligent manufacturing equipment such as robots in downstream industries.


Reporter Zhu Zhengyan: The vigorous development of Shanghai's manufacturing industry in the field of intelligent manufacturing in the first half of this year can actually be seen from a small robot. For example, the sales volume of a six-axis robot like the one I have in the first half of this year has exceeded 500 units, but it still cannot meet the market demand.

According to the 13th Five-Year Plan for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, it is estimated that by 2020, the output value of Shanghai's intelligent manufacturing equipment will reach about 50 billion yuan. Put into application, Shencheng's equipment manufacturing industry is entering a new golden age.


Huang Ou, deputy director of the Shanghai Economic and Information Commission: In the first half of the year, the total output value of the equipment manufacturing industry reached 625.6 billion yuan, an increase of 14%, which was 5.8 percentage points higher than the overall growth of Shanghai's industry. The policy idea of ​​driving application by demonstration, integration by application, and equipment by integration is a good embodiment.

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