

The Strategic Consulting Center of the Chinese Academy of Engineering investigates STEP

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  • Time of issue:2021-07-15 00:00

The Strategic Consulting Center of the Chinese Academy of Engineering investigates STEP

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  • Time of issue:2021-07-15 00:00

On July 9, the research team led by Qu Xianming, deputy director of the National Industrial Foundation Expert Committee and director of the Manufacturing Research Office of the Strategic Consulting Center of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, made a special trip to investigate STEP. Director and general manager Wu Yuhui met with experts from the research team.


Mr. Wu held a discussion with the research team

Director Qu Xianming listened to the introduction of STEP, visited the STEP robot factory, inquired about issues such as supply chain security and the localization process of key components, and introduced relevant national policies and measures.


Visit the STEP robot production line

After inspecting the STEP robot manufacturing robot production line on the spot, and understanding the products and market expansion of STEP robots in detail, Director Qu said that as the first domestic robot company with a shipment of more than 20,000 units, STEP has gone through trial production, research and development, and market development. In the early stage of trial and error, it is necessary to strengthen technology research and development, focus on market segments, accelerate the exploration of the road of large-scale manufacturing of robot products, actively move closer to international first-line brands, and become the leader of domestic brands!


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