

Big news ∣STEP 20,000th robot rolled off the production line, leading domestic market share

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  • Time of issue:2021-05-29 00:00

Big news ∣STEP 20,000th robot rolled off the production line, leading domestic market share

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  • Time of issue:2021-05-29 00:00


On May 28th, Shanghai, the STEP robot super factory, the grand ceremony for the 20,000th STEP robot to roll off the assembly line was held. As a palletizing robot SP120/2400 with the performance and performance of an international brand slowly rolled off the production line, more than 100 guests attending the meeting witnessed this historic moment.

Song Xiaogang, Executive Vice President of China Machinery Industry Federation, Dai Liu, Director of Finance and Economics Committee of Shanghai Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, Chairman of Shanghai Robot Industry Association, Han Dadong, Director of Intelligent Manufacturing Promotion Division of Shanghai Economic and Information Commission, and Harmony of Suzhou Green Li Qian, deputy general manager of Transmission Technology Co., Ltd., Chen Guang, director of SDIC Innovation Investment, and other guests, STEP robot user representatives and partners, STEP director and general manager Wu Yuhui and other leaders attended the meeting.

Song Xiaogang, executive vice president of China Machinery Industry Federation, delivered a speech

Song Xiaogang, executive vice president of the China Machinery Industry Federation, believes that after ten years of development, China's robotics industry has become increasingly mature, and a number of outstanding local companies, including STEP, have emerged. China is the largest robot market in the world, and Shanghai is the center of the global robot industry. The industrial highland where talents and technologies gather in the robot industry is a fertile ground for the growth of domestic robots. With the aging population and lack of labor force, as well as the in-depth implementation of the dual-cycle national strategy, domestic robot companies have ushered in a period of opportunity for development. China's robot industry has entered the stage of brand competition, and STEP must make full use of its advantages in talents, technology, and capital to win market recognition.

Song Xiaogang, Executive Vice President of China Machinery Industry Federation

Dai Liu, President of Shanghai Robot Industry Association, delivered a speech

In his speech, Dai Liu, director of the Finance and Economics Committee of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress and chairman of the Shanghai Robot Industry Association, recalled the situation when he participated in the foundation laying of the STEP robot super factory four years ago. Now he sees that STEP's development momentum in the robot industry is getting better and better. , I am very pleased. In December 2020, the STEP robot smart factory was officially launched and put into operation. It was rated as one of the first 20 smart factories in Shanghai and was highly valued by Shanghai. He encouraged STEP to make full use of its own technical background, give full play to Shanghai's location advantages, serve the whole country, actively go abroad, and build an international famous brand in the field of intelligent manufacturing.


Dai Liu, President of Shanghai Robot Industry Association

Wu Yuhui, general manager of STEP, delivered a speech

Wu Yuhui, general manager of STEP, pointed out in his speech that after ten years of development, STEP ushered in the 20,000th robot to roll off the production line, which marked that STEP became the first domestic robot manufacturer to join the 20,000-unit global industrial robot club. According to statistics compiled by MIR, an industry consulting organization, STEP is the first domestic robot manufacturer with a cumulative shipment of more than 10,000 units. From 2015 to 2020, the cumulative shipments in the Chinese market rank among the top ten, and the domestic production ranks first. In the face of today's achievements, we need to thank Mr. Gidefa, the founder of STEP, for his foresight and sagacity. Under the leadership of Mr. Gidefa, he selected the industrial robot track and continued to invest persistently. Large-scale R&D investment has led STEP to its present height.

Wu Yuhui, general manager of STEP, said that STEP's strategic goal is to become a famous brand in the field of intelligent manufacturing. Adhering to STEP's strategy of "matching imports and surpassing imports" , it will continue to lead the development of China's robot industry to a higher level and promote the high-quality development of Chinese manufacturing. . Facing the rapidly growing market demand, STEP will make efforts in 3C, auto parts, construction machinery, power equipment, grain and oil, building materials and other industries to win market recognition.


Wu Yuhui, General Manager of STEP


STEP's 20,000th robot off-line ceremony





STEP's 20,000th robot off-line ceremony

As the first batch of domestic brands to enter the robot industry, STEP has achieved a technological leap and has been recognized by the market after ten years of development. In terms of robots, STEP has SCARA and six-axis robot products. The company's SCARA robot technology and products have obvious advantages, which are already at the international leading level, and have been recognized and praised by customers; after continuous iteration of six-axis robots, especially the breakthrough of dynamic algorithms, the performance of STEP robots has improved by leaps and bounds. Robotics and other fields have achieved par with international famous brands. In terms of intelligent manufacturing, the company has core technologies and long-term accumulated system solution capabilities. With 29 years of potential in automotive body-in-white system integration technology, the construction machinery industry will be used as a breakthrough point, and it will expand to more general industrial fields in the future to achieve the successful implementation of more intelligent manufacturing projects.



signature of participants

After ten years of accumulation in the robot industry, with the increasingly mature products and solutions, we have gradually improved our own intelligent manufacturing matrix. As a technology-driven enterprise that has been deeply involved in automation for 26 years, STEP has a profound technical background. From general automation products such as servo controllers, PLCs, and flexible platforms, to key components of robots such as control systems, to robot bodies such as SCARA, six-axis robots, and AGVs, to robot workstations, production lines, and MES for various market segments. For manufacturing solutions, STEP has made a solid accumulation from product development, technology research to discipline accumulation.

Visit the robot factory

During the event, STEP issued certificates to outstanding partners in the past ten years.



Honorary certificate issued by excellent partners

Before the meeting, the guests visited the STEP robot super factory, observed the robot manufacturing robot production line, the national enterprise technology center laboratory and the virtual simulation and virtual debugging CAVE laboratory for complex intelligent manufacturing projects.



visit the factory


Group photo of conference personnel

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