

Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao Report | STEP Technology Anti-epidemic Guarantees Production

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  • Time of issue:2022-04-11 00:00

Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao Report | STEP Technology Anti-epidemic Guarantees Production

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  • Time of issue:2022-04-11 00:00

On April 7, "Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao" reported that many well-known high-tech enterprises in Shanghai, such as STEP, kept moving. With the support of various government departments, they fought against the epidemic with science and technology to ensure orderly production.



Intelligent manufacturing contributes to ensuring production 


STEP's factory in Shanghai has obtained a special approval for closed production, and the production lines of its robot super factory and Singlina motor factory are working in an orderly manner. The person in charge of STEP told Ta Kung Pao that, in fact, not long after the outbreak, the company purchased production materials in advance and stored anti-epidemic materials to ensure the smooth production and the safety of employees.


In order to cope with emergencies, STEP formulated emergency response plans for the three situations of routine, on-site, and closed control in the early stage of the epidemic, and purchased basic support materials and emergency protection materials in advance. In order to understand the status and actual needs of the employees stationed in the factory, the company An emergency communication channel in the factory has also been established to distribute basic living materials such as masks and laundry detergent to employees, and also to provide basic guarantees for the diverse needs of employees in the factory.


Owns the first smart super factory in Shanghai that "robots make robots". This super factory also played an important role during the epidemic. Due to the use of intelligent robots to manufacture robot production lines, the number of workers is reduced by 90% compared with ordinary factories. Even during the epidemic, the equipment in the factory operates efficiently, and the delivery capacity can still maintain the level before the epidemic, which also shows that intelligent manufacturing is contributing to the fight against the epidemic and stable production. (This article is reproduced from Ta Kung Pao)

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