

In the battle to win, STEP starts a new journey in 2022

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  • Time of issue:2022-01-21 00:00

In the battle to win, STEP starts a new journey in 2022

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  • Time of issue:2022-01-21 00:00

  The astronomical instrument starts again, and the law of the year is renewed. Sending off the unforgettable 2021, we have strided into 2022, the first exhibition of Huazhang.


  On the afternoon of January 17, the lecture hall of STEP Siyi Road base was full of brilliance, "With the heart of the king, we will win the battle" - STEP2021 annual summary and commendation conference was held here. Ji Yi, chairman of STEP, director and general manager Manager Wu Yuhui and 200 employee representatives gathered together to look back at the achievements and honors achieved in the past year, and use this as a starting point to imagine a beautiful 2022 together. The special guests attending the annual meeting include: Mr. Ji Defa, the founder of STEP and the chairman of the STEP Institute, Mr. Yuan Zhongmin, the former vice chairman of STEP, Mr. Zhu Qianghua, the former director of STEP, and Mr. Su Chongde, the former chairman of Shanghai Huitong Automation Technology Development Co., Ltd., etc., At the same time, employees from other cities also watched the annual meeting simultaneously through online live broadcast.



Shanghai STEP annual conference main venue



Hangzhou Branch



Shenzhen Branch



Kunshan Branch


  Reminiscing about the past, the years are glorious


  Accompanied by warm applause, the annual meeting kicked off with the passionate and generous opening of the host. First of all, all participants relive the unforgettable moments of STEP in 2021 through a short video on the big screen.



  In 2021, the global economic recovery will bump forward under the haze of the epidemic. This year, STEP took advantage of the good environment of China's normalized epidemic prevention, stepped on the pulse of industrial development, focused on customer-centered profitable growth, and carried forward the enterprise spirit of cohesion and overcoming difficulties. The acceleration of high-quality development has been achieved.


  At the beginning of the year, the goal swearing-in meeting was held, which opened the prelude to STEP's annual strides forward. Subsequently, closed-door meetings in Hangzhou and Shenzhen provided theoretical support and implementation paths for building a customer-centric elite iron army; in May, STEP fixed the future development direction on: business focus, technology leadership, reasonable layout, efficient operation, and management Be standardized and have international operation capabilities, and become the leading enterprise in the industry!


  In 2021, STEP has the courage to explore, increase innovation and achieve fruitful results. The national key research and development plan based on the SiC power device high-efficiency and high-reliability power electronic system research passed the acceptance; the robot welding technology made an innovative breakthrough; the SC30 motion controller was born and shortlisted for the 2021 CIIF Award, becoming the top 18 leading Chinese manufacturing One of the products; STEP Elevator Cloud won the first prize of the 2021 Invention and Entrepreneurship Award·Innovation Award...


  In 2021, STEP will reorganize its business layout and continue to make efforts in subdivided fields. Created a front-end sales collaborative office mechanism and established the first joint office in Suzhou; K1 series servos were successfully used in pharmaceutical production lines; the 20,000th robot rolled off the production line and entered Japan's Kao and China Power Construction, and cooperated with Zhongce Rubber and Shanghai General Electric Welding Co., Ltd. Amal Amar service robot has completed its first launch; intelligent manufacturing has made breakthroughs in general industry and pan-electronics business on the basis of consolidating its advantages in body-in-white business; in terms of overseas business, sales to Vietnam, India and Greece have increased significantly, Inverter enters Russia's natural gas exploitation and Pakistan's sugar industry for the first time...


  In 2021, STEP wrote a diary with honors, and won a number of honors such as the 25th Anniversary Outstanding Enterprise Award for Modern Manufacturing Innovation Drive, the Motion Control User Satisfaction Brand, and the 2021 High-tech Robotics Annual Enterprise Award...


  At the same time, in 2021, STEP will bravely assume social responsibility and fulfill its promise with actions! To support the development of China's education, donate 500,000 yuan to Shanghai Jiading District Education Award Foundation; founder Mr. Ji Defa donated to Shandong University, selflessly supporting the development of his alma mater...


  Ji Yi, chairman of STEP, delivered a speech: Seize certain opportunities and act quickly to make STEP a great company!


  Chairman Ji Yi said that in 2021, STEP's turnover and profits have achieved high growth, and the results are the result of teamwork. He sincerely thanked the employees and the management team for their hard work for a year, and sent New Year wishes to everyone.


  This year marks the 27th anniversary of the establishment of STEP. Director Ji said deeply: "The founding team of STEP used their ingenuity and wisdom to overcome obstacles, turning STEP from a start-up company into a listed company, creating a stage for today's STEP people to showcase their talents. Pursue the ultimate in everything, create The corporate culture of differentiated advantages has made STEP what it is today."


  She pointed out that STEP will start a new journey and also face new challenges. Technological changes such as digital twins and metaverses are coming one after another; market competition is turbulent, and new energy, 3C, and carbon neutral industries are growing rapidly. In an age full of uncertainties, STEP needs to think calmly, seize certain opportunities, and act quickly to make STEP a great company.

  She emphasized that STEP is on a track with thick snow and long slopes. In 2021, the state issued the "14th Five-Year Robot Industry Development Plan" and "14th Five-Year Intelligent Manufacturing Development Plan", which once again clarified the country's development expectations for automation, robotics, and intelligent manufacturing industries. STEP must give full play to its own advantages, focus on the main channel, maintain strategic focus, and go all out to gain a place in the global market and become an internationally renowned brand in the field of intelligent manufacturing.


  Wu Yu, general manager of STEP, will publish the annual summary and outlook: take victory as a belief!


  General Manager Wu Yuhui pointed out that in 2021, STEP will overcome the impact of the epidemic and the shortage of electronic materials, and make drastic changes in its organizational structure and operating model. Improvement, healthy cash flow, handed in a satisfactory annual answer sheet.



  He comprehensively reviewed and summarized the company's annual strategy implementation and key work development, and comprehensively sorted out the business highlights:


  Electrical control: The promotion of Elevator Cloud has changed the pattern of electric control supply in the elevator industry, completed the national layout of 4,000 points, and was recognized by the entire elevator factory; focused on strategic customers to promote business growth; the new robot control system business has achieved multi-customer delivery .

  Inverter: core drive products and solutions have broken through the industry's TOP10 customers, and enhanced brand awareness in subdivided fields.

  Motion control: Integrate development, link operation and control items to form efficient solutions, industry applications continue to expand, and agency business is stable.

  Robots: Focus on the development of scene applications and disrupt industry applications. The annual shipments in 2021 will increase significantly; the super factory will be recognized at the national level, and the year will end perfectly.

  Intelligent manufacturing: Significant breakthroughs have been made overseas and in the field of construction machinery.


  General Manager Wu Yuhui pointed out that if an enterprise wants to maintain long-term vitality, its technical strength needs to be transformed into product strength, and the underlying strategic support is also essential. To this end, STEP has defined new development directions and goals, and established new core values. STEP will adhere to the motion control technology as the core, through the standardization of products and the empowerment of the intelligent manufacturing platform, and ultimately provide customers with comprehensive intelligent manufacturing solutions to enhance market competitiveness.


  In 2022, under the guidance of the development strategy, STEP will regard winning battles as a belief. STEP will focus on the main track and top customers, dig deep into market segments, integrate business units to form synergies, coordinate forward-looking product and technology planning, and implement global marketing layout in depth.


  Pay tribute to "excellence" and walk with role models


  Commend "excellence" and let the spirit of "hard work and hard work" be passed on through role models. The annual meeting also awarded STEP's annual outstanding employees, excellent projects/teams, scientific and technological progress awards, and chairman awards.






  Inspire youth to bloom brilliance


  The long-awaited theatrical performance is self-compiled, self-directed, and self-performed, which fully demonstrates the youthful vitality and unlimited creativity of contemporary young employees, and is a microcosm of STEP's corporate culture construction.




  Light show + military boxing




  The opening show exploded at the scene, just like Mr. Ji Defa, the founder of STEP in 27 years, started with the elevator electrical control and embarked on the journey with the original intention of building a national brand, which made a good start for the development of STEP Group today.





  In the Suzhou Xiaoao Intelligent Manufacturing Workshop, the robot and the mechanical arm are like dancing elves in the industrial landscape, with ups and downs and agile postures. Isn’t it like a dance full of enthusiasm and body swing?


  folding fan dance



  In 2021, the 20,000th STEP robot will roll off the assembly line, taking the lead in many market segments. They dance with long sleeves, and they dance out of the ground! They are like a folding fan, they can be opened and closed in a certain degree, and they can be retracted freely!


  Magic show



  The ever-changing industrial scene applications of Ω6 servo and SC series controllers are amazing like magic.


  Dunhuang Flying Dance



  In 2021, the variable frequency drive business adheres to the development ideas of "inheritance" and "innovation".



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