

Shanghai STEP robot super factory listed in the list of 2021 smart manufacturing pilot demonstration factory unveiling unit

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  • Time of issue:2022-01-20 00:00

Shanghai STEP robot super factory listed in the list of 2021 smart manufacturing pilot demonstration factory unveiling unit

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  • Time of issue:2022-01-20 00:00

      In 2020, the Shanghai STEP robot super factory became a blockbuster. As the only representative of Shanghai's robot industry, it was among the first batch of 20 smart factories in Shanghai; List of 110 smart manufacturing demonstration units in 2019.


  On December 28, 2021, the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued an announcement, announcing the list of units and excellent scenarios to be selected for the 2021 Smart Manufacturing Pilot Demonstration Factory. enterprises entered the list of smart manufacturing demonstration factory unveiling units.

  The entry into the list this time marks that the benchmarking effect of the intelligent manufacturing of the complex discrete manufacturing industry created by the Shanghai STEP robot super factory has been affirmed at the national level.

  Intelligent manufacturing is the main direction of the construction of a manufacturing power, and its development level is related to the global status of my country's manufacturing industry. In order to implement the overall deployment of "The 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Long-term Goals in 2035", implement the requirements of the "14th Five-Year" smart manufacturing development plan, deepen the promotion and application of smart manufacturing, industry and informatization The Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Administration for Market Regulation have decided to jointly carry out the 2021 pilot demonstration of smart manufacturing. The smart manufacturing demonstration factory focuses on subdivided industries in the fields of raw materials, equipment manufacturing, consumer goods, and electronic information, and builds a smart manufacturing demonstration factory around the entire manufacturing process of design, production, management, and service, driving the realization of manufacturing technology breakthroughs, process innovations, and scenarios. Integration and business process reengineering play a leading role in demonstration. Then guide more enterprises to implement intelligent manufacturing and transformation and upgrading, promote intelligent manufacturing to a new level, and promote the high-quality development of China's manufacturing industry.



  Shanghai STEP robot super factory, which was officially put into operation in December 2020, is one of the first batch of 20 smart factories in Shanghai. The manufacturing project is independently developed and integrated by STEP. The project uses large-scale application of leading manufacturing technology to realize the intelligence and digitization of the entire manufacturing process. The completion of the project will improve the product quality and delivery capabilities of STEP robots. Accelerate the pace of product intelligence, process intelligence, and service intelligence, and drive the coordinated development of the industrial chain with technological innovation.



  In October 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a document stating that the STEP robot super factory has created a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing in complex discrete manufacturing industries. It is STEP's first attempt in the field of intelligent manufacturing and a milestone in the practice and exploration of intelligent manufacturing by Chinese robotics companies. .

  In the future, STEP will further explore how to improve the level of intelligent manufacturing, provide customers with high-quality industrial robot products and intelligent manufacturing solutions, achieve high-quality robot brands, empower manufacturing companies, and realize the transformation to China's intelligent manufacturing.

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