

The first training course (Eagle Program) of 2022 grassroots management cadres of New Systech started in grand style

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  • Time of issue:2022-01-20 09:55

The first training course (Eagle Program) of 2022 grassroots management cadres of New Systech started in grand style

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  • Time of issue:2022-01-20 09:55

On January 15, 2022, the first training course for the grassroots management cadres was held in Shanghai. General manager Wu Yuhui, deputy general manager Jin Xinhai, Wang Gangzhi, Zhou Guangxing, Li Guofan, Yang Lisa and many other senior leaders attended the ceremony, together with 32 students of the training course, witnessed the grand opening ceremony.

At the beginning of the ceremony, HR director Wang Chunyan made an opening introduction for the opening class. As the teaching director of this training course, director Wang Chunyan introduced the meaning and purpose of this management cadre training course in detail, she proposed that "cadres are grown up, not cultivated", and hoped that the students could jump out of their comfort zone, realize self-growth and become "officers who can lead soldiers to win battles" through this training course.



Introduction to the project of teaching director

During the ceremony, General Manager Wu Yuhui made a message and shared for this opening class, hoping that everyone can cherish the present moment, learn something and grow through this study, give full play to their potential, drive the team, become excellent managers who can shoulder the responsibility of the company's development in the future, and improve the overall management level of the company. At the same time, Mr. Wu shared the company's corporate vision, mission and core values with everyone and asked them to uphold the company's core values and work together for the development of the company.



General Manager's Message and Corporate Culture Sharing

This training course, supported by the leaders at all levels of the company, 15 middle and senior leaders from various departments joined this training program and served as mentors for the trainees. In the ceremony, Jin Xinhai, vice general manager of the company, made a speech as the representative of the mentors. Mr. Jin proposed that although he was different from the trainees in terms of profession, the team of mentors in this period were all very experienced middle and senior leaders who would definitely give different guidance in terms of management, business and career development. At the same time, Mr. Jin also stated that the mentors would respond positively to the call of the mentees and treat them seriously.



Mentor representative's speech

During the ceremony, the host announced the results of the mentor-mentee dual selection for this training course, and the mentor-mentees were successfully matched and took a group photo.



Group photo of instructors & students

After the opening ceremony, Vice General Manager Lisa Yang, as the class instructor of this training course, made a concluding speech. Firstly, she encouraged and affirmed the trainees, expecting more excellent performance in the training course; secondly, she combined the content of the training course with the class management requirements and norms, and hoped that we would work together and grow together; finally, she led the trainees to do the class construction, the atmosphere was active and the trainees were positive and enthusiastic, and the opening ceremony was successfully concluded.



Class teacher's speech

Participants' wonderful moments


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