

Gather innovation momentum | 2021 STEP National Enterprise Technology Center evaluation will be greatly improved

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  • Time of issue:2022-06-06 00:00

Gather innovation momentum | 2021 STEP National Enterprise Technology Center evaluation will be greatly improved

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  • Time of issue:2022-06-06 00:00

In the 27 years of STEP's development, the enterprise technology center is the cradle of technology research and development and innovation. In 2014, it was awarded the national level and is moving towards a higher level. It also plays a positive role in regional innovation-driven development and industrial transformation and upgrading. . Today, let us walk into the STEP National Enterprise Technology Center.


The 2021 ranking will be carried forward significantly!


In February of this year, the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission issued the evaluation results of the National Enterprise Technology Center in 2021. The STEP National Enterprise Technology Center passed the evaluation with a score of  84.2



STEP always regards technological innovation as the foundation of enterprise development. Its enterprise technology center plays a role in building an innovation system centered on technology platformization, high-efficiency achievement transformation, and high-level talent support to enhance market competitiveness for STEP products and solutions. , Break through the competitive circle and continue to empower.


The National Enterprise Technology Center is led by the National Development and Reform Commission and jointly recognized by five ministries and commissions including the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs, and the State Administration of Taxation. The National Enterprise Technology Center is the highest level of my country's enterprise technology evaluation level, and the evaluation is carried out every two years. In 2014, STEP was recognized as a national-level enterprise technology center for the first time, and successfully passed 4 re-examinations .


This national enterprise technology evaluation work focuses on the research and development of STEP, focusing on the two major directions of intelligent control and frequency conversion drive, and conducts a comprehensive technical evaluation of several major business sectors of intelligent manufacturing and robotics, elevator control, frequency conversion drive, and motion control. The performance of STEP National Enterprise Technology Center in terms of innovation investment, innovation conditions and innovation performance is remarkable.


01 Innovation input


1. Innovation funding


The STEP National Enterprise Technology Center insists on long-term R&D and high investment in innovation, and the investment funds are increasing year by year. Compared with 2019, this evaluation has significantly increased the intensity of R&D investment, and the per capita R&D funding exceeds 300,000  yuan  .



2. In terms of innovative talents


The number of research and development personnel in the enterprise technology center has been increasing, and the number of senior experts has increased from 2 in 2019 to 4 ; at the same time, the company has established a good relationship with experts from many well-known domestic universities such as Harbin Institute of Technology, Shandong University, Tongji University, and Shanghai Jiaotong University. The cooperative relationship, the enterprise innovation talent team is constantly improving.


02 Innovation conditions


1. Technology accumulation


While strengthening the research and development of new technologies and products, the company also pays attention to the protection of intellectual property rights. The number of authorized invention patents has increased from 185 in 2019 to 242  in 2021  .


The changes in the invention patents authorized by the company's enterprise technology center from 2019 to 2021 are shown in the figure below:



2. Innovation platform


On the basis of the national CNAS accreditation qualification , the STEP National Enterprise Technology Center continues to strengthen the improvement of the laboratory, adds various experimental and testing equipment, and pays attention to the information construction of the technology center. Subsidiary Shenzhen Zhongweixing Technology Co., Ltd. established the "Guangdong Province Intelligent Robot Equipment Manufacturing Engineering Technology Research Center" , which has become one of the important innovation platforms of the STEP enterprise technology center.



radiation harassment



Vibration test



Thermal shock



Highly Accelerated Life


03 Innovation performance


1. Technical output


In this evaluation data, the number of patent applications accepted that year was  183  , of which 102  were invention patent applications  , all of which were much higher than the evaluation data in 2019, and the proportion of invention patents has further increased; The number of industry standards reached  , and the company's leading position and influence in the elevator control and industrial robot industries continued to consolidate.


2. In terms of innovation benefits


In recent years, the company's new product sales revenue has grown steadily, from 1.107  billion yuan in the previous evaluation  to  1.458  billion yuan, and the profit margin of new product sales has increased significantly. This time the profit rate reached  13.1% , compared with 5.5% in the previous evaluation  The significant improvement in means that the profitability of the company's new products has improved significantly.


With the diligent pursuit of R & D and innovation, authoritative certification, patent endorsement and many industry application results, it is a matter of course for STEP National Technology Center to pass the review. Next, STEP will continue to adhere to  the "customer-centric"  policy, continue to develop and innovate, and strive to provide customers with more valuable products and meticulous services.

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