

The Dragon Boat Festival STEP joint trade union condolences to production employees

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  • Time of issue:2022-06-06 00:00

The Dragon Boat Festival STEP joint trade union condolences to production employees

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  • Time of issue:2022-06-06 00:00

The arrival of the epidemic seems to have swept across Shanghai overnight, bringing this once busy city into silence. With the passage of time, under the leadership of the party and the government, and with the efforts of everyone in the society, the epidemic is being eliminated bit by bit. This is a process towards victory, and it is also a long process.


With the arrival of the epidemic, the company also started closed production in April. In order to be able to provide products to customers and minimize the impact caused by the epidemic, hundreds of employees lived and boarded in the company, and started production day and night. Seeing everyone's hard work in the factory, the trade union organized personnel to send a batch of milk to the factory by battery car when the store was closed and the transportation was inconvenient, so that everyone could drink some milk to supplement after hard work.




In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed. As the epidemic control is getting better and better, the government has also relaxed some management appropriately, so that everyone can get some space for activities. Seeing that he was able to do some things independently, Chairman Hu of the company's trade union federation arranged for the union employees to contact the relevant shopping malls and immediately ordered a batch of milk to express condolences to the employees in the company who had closed production for dozens of days. At the same time, considering that employees have lived in a company with relatively tight supplies for nearly two months, and have not eaten food other than company lunch for a long time. Bread and other materials were sent to the employees as condolence packages for the Dragon Boat Festival, so that everyone could taste some of the tastes that they used to eat and have not seen for a long time after work.





  As a traditional Chinese festival, the Dragon Boat Festival is said to be a festival formed to commemorate Qu Yuan. In real life, the Dragon Boat Festival is the most medicinal day of the year, and it is the best time to clear away evil spirits and plagues. I hope that the scent of zongzi sent by the trade union will bring you good luck, a ray of hope, eradicate the epidemic, and restore the trivialities of the past as soon as possible.

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