

Always one step ahead! ” | The new official website of Singlina brand in China, Britain and Germany was launched simultaneously

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  • Time of issue:2022-07-06 00:00

Always one step ahead! ” | The new official website of Singlina brand in China, Britain and Germany was launched simultaneously

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  • Time of issue:2022-07-06 00:00

Year 2003

STEP forms an alliance with Germany's Singliner

The new SIGRINER brand was born

Since then, the Chinese and German R&D teams have complemented each other's advantages

Jointly developed variable frequency drive and servo drive products


Midsummer 2022


Officially "settle down" online independently

The official website in Chinese, English and German is launched simultaneously!


http://www.stepsigriner.com (Chinese) 

http://en.stepsigriner.com (English) 

https://www.step-sigriner.com (in German)



What wonderful sections are set up on the official website? Let me introduce you one by one!



1. About Singliner


Singliner's philosophy is: "Always one step ahead!"

Founded in Germany in 1982, Singliner has always been in the leading position in elevator drive control system technology, and has expanded to the field of general drive and motion control. After the opening of the new Singliner brand, a new generation of high-end technology and green energy-saving variable frequency drive and servo drive products have been developed and produced.



Looking at the past, Singlina, which takes innovation as its gene, has played an industry-leading role at every development node and is full of disruption.


The brand logo with green and blue as the main colors endows the brand with the concept of pursuing environmental protection and technology.



2. Product center


Extensive elevator control systems, ES6 series intelligent flexible drivers, and Ω6 series servo products constitute the existing product system of Singlina. Product features, performance, and applications can be easily queried on the webpage.



3. Successful cases


Singlina's successful cases are all over the world. Every time we join hands with customers, we are creating the future without fear of challenges.



4. News information


The former Singliner brought us countless surprises, and the future Singliner will continue to work hard and explore, and the glory will continue to be written here.



The German Elevator Exhibition ended successfully! Highlight moments of STEP exhibits show new heights



Omega6 Series - 2020 Motion Control of the Year Award Winner



Dedicated to the mechanical "Parkinson", Singlina's multi-axis intelligent drive endows parallel robots with strong kinetic energy


5. Qualification honor


Product certifications, awards... are the demonstration of strength and help us build deep trust with our customers.



6. Recruitment


Recruit outstanding talents from all over the world to support brand innovation and development. Singlina adheres to the concept of talent first, and constantly recruits new talents. You are welcome to join us.



In addition to the above introduction, I would like to emphasize


This time, the mobile terminal and the PC terminal are simultaneously launched


Looking forward to your personal experience


Finally, thank you for your interest in the Singliner brand

Continuing care, support and encouragement

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