

STEP AS720D Low Harmonic Airborne Inverter Cabinet Press Conference was successfully held

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  • Time of issue:2022-08-05 17:02

STEP AS720D Low Harmonic Airborne Inverter Cabinet Press Conference was successfully held

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  • Time of issue:2022-08-05 17:02

Under the dual-carbon target, all industries have embarked on the road of green and low-carbon transformation, and HVAC, which accounts for a large share of building energy consumption, is no exception, calling for the advent of more green and energy-saving products. As a deep cultivator of the inverter industry, STEP constantly caters to new market demands, develops technology steadily, and leads the development of the industry with innovative and upgraded products. On July 28, STEP held an online live broadcast new product launch conference with the theme of "Double Carbon Peaks and Green Drive Control" in the newly completed live broadcast room of the headquarters , revealing the highlights of the new AS720D refrigerant-cooled low-harmonic airborne inverter cabinet and value, attracted more than 400 people from all walks of life to participate online, with 31,000 likes.



Mr. Jin Xinhai, executive president of STEP, delivered an opening speech for the press conference. Mr. Jin said that STEP has been innovating, investing, and accumulating in the variable frequency drive business for a long time. The products have formed five series and the characteristics of wide power and universal motor. STEP inverters have achieved leading market positions in secondary water supply, HVAC, tire rubber and other fields. The soon-to-be-released AS720D frequency conversion cabinet has been prepared and polished for four years. It is the product of a full-scale explosion of technical potential. Source rectification, applicable to a wider operating temperature range, making the power grid more green and energy-saving.



The press conference also specially invited Secretary-General Jing of China Society of Refrigeration and Secretary-General Huang of Shanghai Society of Refrigeration to make on-site speeches.



With the calling of Zhang Yonghong, the general manager of STEP's frequency conversion HVAC industry, the countdown number beating, and the exciting new product release officially kicked off. Li Xinghe, R&D director and senior engineer of STEP frequency conversion division, introduced the product features of AS720D refrigerant-cooled low-harmonic airborne frequency conversion cabinet . Based on STEP four-quadrant core technology, AS720D has low harmonics (THDi: 3.4 / 3.0 / 2.7%) and high power factor (λ: 1) on the rectifier side, and open vector control, observation speed, initial Position accuracy, maximum torque-to-current ratio, and various suppression values ​​have been significantly improved. At the same time, it inherits and optimizes the STEP refrigerant cooling technology, adopts the liquid cooling method to improve the reliability and the life of the device, realizes the small size of the machine, and brings better user experience to customers. It can be used for centrifuges, screw machines , Magnetic levitation is applied to various models.



At the press conference, Yu Yongbo, deputy industry director of STEP's variable frequency drive division, also shared solutions for central air-conditioning inverters in the HVAC industry. The whole set of solutions fully considers the requirements of high temperature, high humidity, high outdoor protection and high-frequency output of magnetic levitation and air levitation in the HVAC industry. For each component of the central air conditioner, there are special industrial planes for supporting. STEP inverters have achieved considerable results in the HVAC market. For example, more than 1,500 AS700 series have been used in screw compressors, and AS720 series refrigerant airborne inverter cabinets have successfully entered overseas markets such as Malaysia and India.



In addition, the press conference also featured an interactive question-and-answer session. Experts from STEP answered the audience's most concerned questions about product performance, application requirements, and new product delivery, drawing a perfect end to this release.



In the future, STEP will continue to adhere to the core values ​​of "customer-oriented, striving first, teamwork, daring to act, realistic and innovative", focus on customers, adhere to the concept of energy saving, emission reduction, and green environmental protection, and launch more variable frequency drive products And related solutions, create greater value for customers, and also contribute to the realization of the double carbon goal.


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