

Tsinghua University teachers and students' "Jiang Jinhang" practical activities entered STEP

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  • Time of issue:2022-08-10 00:00

Tsinghua University teachers and students' "Jiang Jinhang" practical activities entered STEP

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  • Time of issue:2022-08-10 00:00


On August 3, 2022, the teachers and students of the tenth phase of the "Jiqi Jinhang" detachment of Tsinghua University's mechanical force, with the practical theme of "exploring the development of the industrial robot industry chain" , walked into Hangzhou Zhishan Zhikong Technology, a subsidiary of STEP Co., Ltd., to carry out research activities in the motion control and robotics industry.


At 9 o'clock in the morning, the teachers and students of Tsinghua University arrived at the Mountain of Hangzhou. On behalf of STEP, Mr. Qian Wei, the assistant to the chairman of STEP Institute, warmly received the teachers and students of Tsinghua University who came from afar.


First of all, the two sides held a symposium and exchange meeting. Chen Kaiqiang, the R&D engineer of Zhishan Zhikong, introduced the core component of motion control - the servo system, and compared and analyzed STEP products with similar products at home and abroad, which enhanced the students' understanding. Servo system understanding, more intuitive understanding of the status quo and future development of the servo system.


Then Li Daxin, Manager of STEP Robot R&D Software Department, introduced the product knowledge of industrial robots, and explained in detail the development of STEP in the robot industry in recent years and the technical advantages of STEP. During the symposium, everyone had a heated discussion. The two teachers also patiently analyzed and answered questions about servo control technology and robot applications from Tsinghua teachers and students.



After the symposium, Mr. Qian led everyone to visit the exhibition hall, and introduced the development history and motion control products of STEP.



Afterwards, the teachers and students of Tsinghua University visited the servo driver production line and the OTIS control cabinet production line, and had a preliminary understanding of the production process and testing process of the products. Engineers communicated.



Through this practical activity, the teachers and students of Tsinghua University have a deep understanding of the core idea of ​​STEP technological innovation, and the development advantages of focusing on motion control and intelligent manufacturing. At the same time, it strengthened the awareness of the domestic motion control and robot industry. This activity has also enhanced the cooperation and exchanges between STEP universities and well-known domestic universities. It is also hoped that more talents from prestigious universities such as Tsinghua University will be transferred to STEP to help STEP's long-term development.


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