

CCTV Financial Report | STEP Robot Helps New Energy Industry

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  • Time of issue:2022-08-26 00:00

CCTV Financial Report | STEP Robot Helps New Energy Industry

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  • Time of issue:2022-08-26 00:00

 Recently, benefiting from the recovery of the manufacturing industry and the acceleration of investment in new energy vehicles, photovoltaics and other fields, the supply of industrial robots is in short supply, and many companies have begun to raise prices for their products.



  In an industrial robot manufacturer in Shanghai, the reporter saw a large number of robots undergoing a 72-hour test operation. These robots can completely replace manpower for welding and handling in industrial manufacturing. Recently, downstream demand has increased significantly, and orders have ushered in explosive growth.



  Zhou Guangxing, general manager of the robotics department of a listed electric company in Shanghai: Lithium battery and photovoltaic industries are growing relatively fast. The current orders of these two industries may be doubled compared with the past.



  In recent years, the domestic new energy industry has risen rapidly, and the demand for industrial robots has continued to increase. Since the beginning of this year, the price of domestic industrial robots has begun to rise. Industry insiders judge that at present, most of the new production capacity of industrial robots is still in the construction stage, and the short-term supply exceeds demand. The pattern will continue. (This article is transferred from CCTV Finance)

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