

Acceptance of key technology development and application subject of STEP high-power port hoisting special frequency converter

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  • Time of issue:2018-01-15 00:00

Acceptance of key technology development and application subject of STEP high-power port hoisting special frequency converter

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  • Time of issue:2018-01-15 00:00

On the occasion of the New Year, the China Machinery Industry Federation organized and held the "Twelfth Five-Year" national science and technology support plan project in Shanghai - the subject acceptance meeting of "Key Technology Development and Application of High-power Port Lifting Special Frequency Converter". The project is jointly undertaken by STEP , Zhenhua Heavy Industry, Harbin Institute of Technology and Tongji University.


One of the application sites: Zhenhua Nantong base rail crane 

The expert group listened to the work report of the research group, reviewed the relevant materials, and conducted on-site inspections. After questioning and discussion, the acceptance opinions were as follows: 1
) The research and development of the research and development of high-performance low-voltage high-power special frequency converter series products, in Application verification was carried out on high-power port cranes, and various research contents and assessment indicators stipulated in the project task book were completed, and the expected goals were achieved.
2) The project has made innovations in technologies such as torque current and excitation current optimal control based on voltage closed loop, rotor position observation with high frequency signal injection, zero frequency operation with voltage compensation, position correction control of GPS and Beidou, and has mastered low voltage The core technology of high-power inverters has formed a series of products.
3) The topic has obtained a number of patent authorizations and software copyrights; participated in the compilation of one industry standard for hoisting special frequency converter products; published 15 papers; 2 production lines have been built, forming a mass production capacity.
4) The organization and management of the project is standardized, the inspection materials are complete, and the use of project funds is basically reasonable. In summary, the expert group unanimously agrees that the project has passed the inspection and acceptance. 




Project inspection and acceptance meeting

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