

New Era, New Atmosphere, New Action丨Innovation-driven has become an important engine for Shanghai's development

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  • Time of issue:2017-12-05 00:00

New Era, New Atmosphere, New Action丨Innovation-driven has become an important engine for Shanghai's development

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  • Time of issue:2017-12-05 00:00

CCTV news broadcast series report "New Era, New Atmosphere and New Actions", the first report was broadcast on December 4: Innovation drive has become an important engine for Shanghai's development. (CCTV reporter Xiang Feixuehui Tongying Wang Youwen Cheng Yunan reported)
The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed for the first time to build a modern economic system and required that the focus of economic development be placed on the real economy. The real economy is the main battlefield for innovation. Under the guidance of the innovation-driven development strategy, a large number of smart manufacturing companies in Shanghai are transforming from traditional manufacturing industries. In the first three quarters of this year, the output value of intelligent manufacturing was close to 16 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of nearly 40%.
In the report, the reporter interviewed Shanghai Future Partner Robot Company, Shanghai STEP Electric Co., Ltd., and the Institute of Microsatellite Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Yuan Zhongmin, Vice Chairman of STEP : Our original enterprise was engaged in the control system of elevators. In the past few years, we obviously felt that the new momentum of the entire industry was insufficient, so we increased the intensity of enterprise transformation and development.


Ma Xingfa, Deputy Director of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission: In the process of innovation, there are many bottlenecks and obstacles that do not meet the requirements of modern innovation, and we need to focus on breakthroughs and problem solving. Let more innovative subjects burst out their vitality.
To speed up its march towards a technological innovation center with global influence, Shanghai recently released the "Implementation Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of a New Generation of Artificial Intelligence".
Shanghai, which is at the forefront, adheres to a global vision and international standards. At present, it has formed a number of interdisciplinary, multi-field, and comprehensive large-scale scientific industries in information technology, life sciences, and artificial intelligence, which has comprehensively improved Shanghai's original innovation capabilities. And the strategic ability to seize the opportunities of the world's technological innovation and development. Entering a new era, the strong impetus brought by innovation-driven development to Shanghai is emerging.
Shanghai has always been an important window to observe the strength of China's reform and opening up. Such a status stems from Shanghai's enterprising spirit of bold experimentation, bold breakthrough, and independent reform. The key to the article.
The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the reform of the scientific and technological system should be deepened, and a technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body, market-oriented, and deep integration of industry, education and research should be established. It is precisely to reform the mechanism and promote innovation to create a better atmosphere for the main body of innovation. Following this line of thought firmly, and implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai's performance will be even brighter, and China's innovation will lead the way. Development will also be promising.

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