

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics丨China Robotics Summit Forum and the 3rd CEO Roundtable Summit Held

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  • Time of issue:2017-11-10 00:00

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics丨China Robotics Summit Forum and the 3rd CEO Roundtable Summit Held

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  • Time of issue:2017-11-10 00:00

On November 8, the "China Robot Summit Forum and the 3rd CEO Roundtable Summit" was held in Xijiao Hotel, Shanghai. The theme of the conference was artificial intelligence and robotics. Moderator of the forum: Dai Liu, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal People's Congress Finance and Economics Committee, President of Shanghai Robot Industry Association (left 1).


Forum Moderator and Guests

Speech topics of the participating guests: Qu Daokui, President of Shenyang Siasun (2nd from left) - A New Era of Robot Intelligence; Li Gang, Vice President of ABB (China) (3rd from left) - Collaboration and Digital: Building the Factory of the Future; Manager Qian Hui (middle) - Internet of Things·Big Data·Artificial Intelligence; Mathias Wiklund, Global Head of KUKA Robot Industry (3rd from right)- Made in China and Human-Machine Collaboration, Mobility and R2U Application Package; Masahiro Ogawa, Director of Yaskawa Robotics Division (Right 2) - AI application of industrial robots; STEP President Cai Liang (Right 1) - Industrial Robots and Artificial Intelligence.


Cai Liang, President of STEP - Industrial Robots and Artificial Intelligence

In his speech on "Industrial Robots and Artificial Intelligence", Cai Liang, President of STEP , discussed intelligent machines—with autonomous perception, cognition, decision-making, learning, execution and social collaboration capabilities, in line with human emotions, ethics and moral concepts; Three stages of the combination of industrial robots and artificial intelligence - perception + execution (pre-programming), Internet of Things + big data (machine learning), deep learning + cognitive reasoning (probabilistic modeling, random computing); industrial robot vision, touch Perception - wire positioning, arc tracking, laser tracking, 3D vision, drag teaching, flexible assembly, collision detection; industrial robot IoT + big data + machine learning + independent programming; deep integration of industrial robots and artificial intelligence, etc. question.

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