

Miao Wei, a member of the Central Propaganda Group, went to STEP to promote the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress

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  • Time of issue:2017-11-08 00:00

Miao Wei, a member of the Central Propaganda Group, went to STEP to promote the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress

  • Views:
  • Time of issue:2017-11-08 00:00

On the afternoon of November 6, members of the Central Propaganda Group, members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Comrade Miao Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, came to Shanghai STEP Robotics Co., Ltd. for investigation and preached the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to grassroots employees. Xin Guobin, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Dong Yunhu, Member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Director of the Propaganda Department, Zhou Bo, Member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Executive Vice Mayor of Shanghai, Ma Chunlei, Member of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Secretary of the Jiading District Committee, and other urban leaders came to the presentation site. STEP Chairman Ji Yi, Vice Chairman Yuan Zhongmin, President Cai Liang and the employees present all raised their own concerns, and Minister Miao Wei answered them one by one and interacted cordially with everyone.


Miao Wei, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, went to STEP to publicize the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress

To develop advanced manufacturing

When employee Jiao Yao asked about the future development prospects of the manufacturing industry, Minister Miao Wei answered: General Secretary Xi mentioned in a special section in his report that advanced manufacturing should be developed. Our STEP company is just at the top of the advanced manufacturing industry, and we are engaged in industrial robots. These aspects represent the future development direction of the industry.


Chairman Ji Yi (right) interacted with Minister Miao Wei (middle)

We must attach great importance to the development of the real economy

Vice Chairman Yuan Zhongmin Question: We are gradually transforming from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing. After the 19th National Congress, we also want to have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the central government's deployment and arrangements in this regard?

Minister Miao Wei's answer: A few years ago, General Secretary Xi warned us to attach great importance to the development of the real economy. China cannot turn from the real to the virtual. The manufacturing industry is the real economy and the main battlefield of technological innovation. It is also the main field of supply-side structural reform. I believe that the company's future development is still promising. We have all caught up with a good era. In this era, we should give full play to our ingenuity and make our due contributions.


President Cai Liang (left) reported the latest technological achievements of STEP robots to Minister Miao Wei (right)

Competition promotes continuous progress of enterprises

Question from employee Hu Tao : There was a recent report about Tesla, saying that Tesla will build a wholly-owned factory in China. This gives us a sense of urgency in the manufacturing industry. Like foreign catfish, it is really coming. . Can you give an estimate, if our robotics industry encounters this situation, how many years are left?

Minister Miao Wei's answer: The entry of companies like Tesla into China is welcomed by our reform and opening up. To put it another way, only by implementing reform and opening up is the fundamental path for China's development. Therefore, in the new era, we must further expand opening up and compete on the same stage. Competition is the most effective measure to promote continuous progress and development of enterprises. We should not be afraid, we should make use of our strengths and avoid weaknesses, give full play to our advantages, and compete with these foreign-funded enterprises on the same stage. In the competition, I believe that a large number of enterprises can stand out.


Minister Miao Wei interacted cordially with the staff

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