

STEP robot helps intelligent manufacturing in Wuxi

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  • Time of issue:2017-05-08 00:00

STEP robot helps intelligent manufacturing in Wuxi

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  • Time of issue:2017-05-08 00:00

The second general meeting of Wuxi Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing Association was held on March 30 at the Crowne Plaza Wuxi Taihu Lake. Nearly 100 business representatives attended the meeting. Gao Yaguang, vice mayor of Wuxi City, attended the meeting, Li Xin, president of the association, made a work report, and Cai Liang, general manager of STEP Robotics, was invited to attend the meeting.


Vice Mayor of Wuxi Gao Yaguang/right, President Li Xin/middle, General Manager of STEP Robotics Cai Liang/left

Wuxi Intelligent Manufacturing sets sail. Li Xin, the president of the association, pointed out in his work report that in 2017, the association will actively promote the Wuxi intelligent manufacturing project, implement talent training and do a good job in basic services. Wuxi Robot and Intelligent Manufacturing Association is the first related industry association in Jiangsu Province, with more than 140 member units covering well-known enterprises in the intelligent manufacturing industry in Wuxi. Since its establishment one year ago, the association has built a bridge between Wuxi's smart manufacturing companies and industrial companies that need technological transformation, organized member units to communicate with smart manufacturing-developed cities, research institutes, and cutting-edge companies, and improved Wuxi's smart manufacturing industry environment and industry awareness. Helping enterprises in Wuxi transform and upgrade from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing, the social influence continues to expand.

STEP robot helps intelligent manufacturing in Wuxi. Cai Liang, general manager of STEP Robotics, delivered a speech, introduced the product series of STEP robots, and focused on the implementation of STEP robots in Wuxi's intelligent manufacturing applications - photovoltaic module production, automobile body-in-white assembly production, 3C manufacturing, machine tool processing and manufacturing, etc. Condition. Mr. Cai said that STEP Robot wholeheartedly carries out various forms of cooperation with Wuxi Municipal Government, enterprises, educational institutions and other parties, and contributes to Wuxi's industrial upgrading and intelligent manufacturing!


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