

AVIC Baosheng Intelligent and STEP robot held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony

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  • Time of issue:2017-05-08 00:00

AVIC Baosheng Intelligent and STEP robot held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony

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  • Time of issue:2017-05-08 00:00

On April 28, the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation between AVIC Baosheng Intelligent and STEP Robotics and the unveiling ceremony of the "AVIC Baosheng Intelligent-STEP Robot Joint Technology Center" was held in the lecture hall of STEP Shanghai Siyi Road Factory. Feng Tongjian, Director of the Military Industry Supporting Department of the Shanghai Economic and Information Commission, Shen Shuo, Deputy Director of the Jiading District Economic and Information Commission, Ma Guolin, Senior Specialist/Assistant to the General Manager of AVIC Electromechanical, Duan Zhigang, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee/Director of AVIC Baosheng, Li Weizhong, Chairman of AVIC Baosheng Intelligent, Yuan Zhongmin, vice chairman of STEP, Cai Liang, executive vice president of STEP/general manager of STEP Robotics and other senior leaders of the company attended the meeting.


Cai Liang, general manager of STEP robot, delivered a welcome speech.
Mr. Cai said: AVIC Baosheng Intelligent Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. began to use STEP robots in 2015. After more than two years of in-depth understanding, the two companies finally came together today and decided to sign a strategic cooperation agreement. .

The strategic cooperation between AVIC Baosheng Intelligent and STEP robots is in line with the national strategy of "Made in China 2025" and "military-civilian integration". , to promote the transformation and development of Chinese manufacturing. 


Director Feng Tongjian of the Military Industry Supporting Department of the Shanghai Economic and Information Commission delivered
a speech Director Feng pointed out that in 2016, the output value of Shanghai's military-civilian integration was 380 billion, accounting for about 10% of Shanghai's total industrial output value. Military-civilian integration in Shanghai's manufacturing industry has grown steadily, adjusted structure, and promoted transformation played an important role in its development.

This year, in the work of turning the military into civilians and joining the army, Shanghai will focus on the following things. 1) Establish the Shanghai Military-Civilian Integration Industry Investment Fund with an initial amount of 3.2 billion, mainly to meet the capital needs in the development of key military-civilian integration industries. 2) Support the construction of the entity military-civilian integration promotion industry center department, establish the Shanghai Military-civilian Integration Expert Committee, carry out forums and other activities, and provide information consulting services for enterprises. 3) Implement the project docking of national defense science and technology industry 2025 and Made in China 2025, and focus on supporting high-end intelligent equipment innovation projects and other directions. 4) Cooperate with various districts in Shanghai to establish a characteristic industrial park for military-civilian integration, etc., and make new contributions to transformation and development.


Ma Guolin, Senior Specialist/Assistant to the General Manager of
AVIC Electromechanical, delivered a speech. Mr. Ma said: AVIC Electromechanical implements the 1+3 strategy. with smart gear. In fact, more than 80% of military technology can be used by civilians, and more than 80% of civilian technologies can also be used by military. Our cooperation parties will uphold the concept of integrating innovation and sharing inclusive benefits, and jointly promote the development of high-end manufacturing industries.


Shen Shuo, deputy director of the Economic and Information Commission of Jiading District, Shanghai, delivered a speech. Deputy
Director Shen said: Intelligent manufacturing and robotics are one of the four major industries that Jiading District will focus on. STEP has developed rapidly since its listing, and the Jiading District Government has tried every means to give strong support in terms of land construction and policy consultation, especially after the development of the robotics field. Its purpose is to hope that STEP will build an intelligent manufacturing industrial park in Jiading.

The factories of both parties are built in Jiading, and the district government will continue to give more support in terms of environment and policies. I hope that the cooperation between the two parties will bear fruit early and make greater contributions to Jiading's smart manufacturing.


Duan Zhigang, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of
AVIC Baosheng and Director Duan Zhigang delivered a speech Mr. Duan said in his speech that in the era of informatization and globalization, it is necessary to form a strong alliance. Only by standing on the shoulders of giants can we see higher and go further. Only by fighting with masters and allying with masters can the effect of 1+1﹥2 be achieved.

Both Baosheng Intelligent and STEP robots belong to strategic emerging industries and are full of vigor and vitality. We hope that through this strategic cooperation, we will deepen resource utilization, business integration, and full-process services, conduct all-round cooperation, complement each other's advantages, and achieve mutual benefits and win-win results. Develop and improve together, and jointly become the leader in the intelligent development of the industry.


Zhou Guangxing, deputy general manager of STEP robot, made a speech
at the meeting. Deputy general manager Zhou Guangxing introduced the core technology, product series, application fields and intelligent manufacturing application projects of STEP robot to everyone.


At the event ceremony, Chen Guoxiang, general manager of AVIC Baosheng Intelligent Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and Cai Liang, general manager of Shanghai STEP Robot, signed a strategic cooperation agreement on behalf of the two parties, and grandly unveiled the "AVIC Baosheng Intelligent-STEP Robot Joint Technology Center".


Sign a strategic cooperation agreement


AVIC Baosheng Intelligent-STEP Robot Joint Technology Center Unveiling Ceremony


Visit STEP robot factory

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